Hatred (Ultra-Violence at its finest/worst)

I'll just copy--paste what I said on YouTube:
Looks like a 5/10 game at best whose only "draw" is insane violence. It's like the devs set out to create a serious game, realized it was crap, then said, "You know what? Fuck it. Let's just add as much tasteless violence and gore as possible and rely purely on the controversy it generates to sell our game!"
The developers of this game are actually neo-Nazis. So, fuck them.

This game is obviously gross, but it's not like it's the first to feature straight-up unmitigated violence. That kind of thing has been around in Rockstar games forever. I hate the concept of this turd, but I can't exactly get too high and mighty about it, not sturm I consider some of the violent trash games that I've played in my time.

I enjoy pretty violent games myself, and conversely, adorable games like Kirby. I like how over the top this one looks.

This one looks more fun than Hatred, because the violence isn't the whole show. I don't have a problem with the ultraviolence per se, but the washed out colours and mass shooter protagonist aren't interesting. The difficulty with Hatred will be whether its goofy premise overshadows the gameplay. If it's not fun, then all it will amount to a genocide simulator, and that's a kind of catharsis that might not be enjoyable even to people who like them some violence.

I liked hearing the audience reaction to the trailer. The execution animations were eliciting shocked shrieks that had clear notes of laughter in them: The kind of giggly surprise children would offer up to sexual talk. It's yanking them out of their comfort zone, yet they are unmistakeably thrilled. For that reason alone, I think this is actually an important game. People should be faced with this kind of experience in order to safely explore their feelings on violence. We can all play the game and talk about it.

One thing they must do, however, is up the humour. This level of violence will work better the more cartoony it is. Make the protagonist the butt of a joke instead of a badass, righteous Punisher. Make him pathetic. If this game is a satire, that will allow them to ante up the violence as much as they wish.
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I remember playing Manhunt on the Wii where you had to make all the stabbing and strangling motions with the controllers. It was cool and also kinda f'd in a way.
In b4 this game gets banned in at least five countries....
I can never get into those types of games as I'm playing as a scumbag, at least Saints Row is tongue in cheek.
I'm all for ultra violence, but when its against characters that deserve it.

But innocent people? Oh please. This game is obviously targeting the media to run negative stories as a means of advertising. I bet suckers like Fox News are going to fall for it.
A blatant attempt to try it get free press and advertising by deliberately pushing the boundary and offending people.

The news media would be better served by ignoring the game completely. But they won't
Maybe Im getting old, but Im gonna go ahead and say making a game like this is, like, bad and stuff.
LOL I just saw the gameplay trailer of this game and I laughed my ass off. It's pretty damn extreme, but I might just have to try it.
I'm all for ultra violence, but when its against characters that deserve it.

But innocent people? Oh please. This game is obviously targeting the media to run negative stories as a means of advertising. I bet suckers like Fox News are going to fall for it.

It's mostly been alternative "progressive" media sites like Kotaku that have been condemning the game. It was even pulled from Steam for a few days because of a petition signed by left leaning activists.

The GamerGate thread in the video games forum has already had some interesting posts regarding this game.

If you have been following GamerGate, you will realize that conservative media has been a lot more objective when it comes to what is going on compared to the liberal media which has continually pushed a false "gamers are misogynists and the industry hates women" narrative.
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I think it's toxic and problematic. Should be censored and anyone wanting to buy it should be put on a government watch list.
Gaming's version of those extreme horror and shock films, very few of which have any real value beyond shock (and I say that as someone that watched a lot of those as a teenager).

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