Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

The "women's true vocation" stuff was in the last 1/4 of the speech. The speech was basically: Joe Biden isn't a "real catholic", Priests who took precautions during COVID aren't "real catholics", and little quips about how Jews/LGBT/Diversity are "tyrannical". Then the stuff about women being homemakers, then a bizarre rant about how mass in Latin is best, and finally about 3 paragraphs worth of standard inspirational graduation commencement speech stuff. I don't know exactly what the culture is like at Benedictine, but it was much more of a CPAC-type speech than an inspirational graduation speech. It was just bizarre and inappropriate.
So you don’t know about this world famous tik tok bitch who was doxing gay teachers, trans people, instigating violence against them, but you are saying it “seems” as if liberals dox people more often?

That’s convenient.
Someone check this guys hard drive. He surely has bad stuff on it.

She took their own videos that they put up and showed them to her audience. How dare she show people how vile and evil those teachers are. For shame on her.
I don't glorify anyone voluntarily having careers I view them as collaboration but the idea women should just be homemakers because of their gender is offensive it doesn't take a genius to figure out why.

The NFL office and the owners offices are probably full of ambitious "girlbosses" who "don't need no man" seeing redder then they bleed. So yeah Butkus is kinda screwed. It wouldn't shock me at all to see Butker go the way of the Vanderjagt. Great kicker who chirped like a tweedy bird gets replaced by an even better kicker who doesn't.
like i said he knew this will be seen by milions because it was streamed and he wanted to be christian leader to bring people back to christ bs and so on. women are not stupid they see it when you manipulate them but he is right women should put career second house wife family first but people are sick and tired these guys using any platform to go around this is how christians do it like nobody else cares about women but christians or some other crap
So your position is he shouldn't have said what he did because people that aren't the intended audience might hear it? That sounds ridiculous.
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no it is not man should demand women takes her gender responsabilities in marriage and then look up career and so on.

We can agree to disagree.
I don't think traditional gender roles themselves are outdated, necessarily. But that should be more of the woman's choice. If she wants that, no problem. But I think it's outdated for a guy to expect that or demand it of a woman.
Well that's pretty silly. Guys are allowed to have standards too. If a dude makes enough money to support a family just for his kids to be raised by nannies anyway, he might as well marry the nanny.

What on earth would a successful guy possibly be looking for in a wife if not "traditional gender roles"? I don't know anybody who got married because their wife tells wonderful stories or they're really impressed by her career. It's pretty much she's pretty, she's nice and you get along, and she'd make a good mom. Otherwise it's not much more than a weird roommate setup with extra rules and pooled finances with someone who makes less money than you.
So your position is he shouldn't have said what he did because people that aren't the intended audience might hear it? That sounds ridiculous.
Athletes should never talk they are not interestimg or smart or anything. They are in proffesion where everybody needs to be in spotlight and be go to person. Let the religious people talk about religious things you stick to sportz
The "women's true vocation" stuff was in the last 1/4 of the speech. The speech was basically: Joe Biden isn't a "real catholic", Priests who took precautions during COVID aren't "real catholics", and little quips about how Jews/LGBT/Diversity are "tyrannical". Then the stuff about women being homemakers, then a bizarre rant about how mass in Latin is best, and finally about 3 paragraphs worth of standard inspirational graduation commencement speech stuff. I don't know exactly what the culture is like at Benedictine, but it was much more of a CPAC-type speech than an inspirational graduation speech. It was just bizarre and inappropriate.

Pretty much this.
From the quotes he wasn't saying that women should be forced to be stay at home moms. He believes that is the most satisfying roll for them. He may be wrong in that belief and I think he is. However for a large number of women that is the roll the want.

What is the big lie told to women is "you can have it all and so it all". You can have a high level job that requires 50 to 60 hours a week and be just nurturing as a full time mother.

Not going to happen, especially when the kids are young.

They have to make choices and there will be losses in either direction whatever the decision.

There is nothing wrong with a man wanting a traditional marriage as long as he is honest about it from the beginning. If the woman doesn't want that she should be honest from the beginning and they can move on to find someone more compatible.

The same with a woman that wants to be a stay at home mother. She should be honest about ot from the beginning.

People need to find people that want the same in life as they do. Even if you think you love someone if your idea of a marriage is not the same as your just move on for everyone's best.
The "women's true vocation" stuff was in the last 1/4 of the speech. The speech was basically: Joe Biden isn't a "real catholic", Priests who took precautions during COVID aren't "real catholics", and little quips about how Jews/LGBT/Diversity are "tyrannical". Then the stuff about women being homemakers, then a bizarre rant about how mass in Latin is best, and finally about 3 paragraphs worth of standard inspirational graduation commencement speech stuff. I don't know exactly what the culture is like at Benedictine, but it was much more of a CPAC-type speech than an inspirational graduation speech. It was just bizarre and inappropriate.

Well he got a standing ovation from about 98 or so present of the students. So I guess he knew his audience.

It's not but a few at the school that are complaining and the overwhelming majority of the complainers don't go to the school and wouldn't think of attending that school.
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Harry Butt-ker: "You women and your useless degrees have all been lied to!! Go be Mommies in the Kitchen!!"

Harry Butt-ker's Mom: "Yeah I'm a clinical medical physicist at Emory, so..."

Harry Butt-ker: "Be unapologetically masculine, do dangerous things!!"

Men who do dangerous things: "Dont you play kicker? One of the only positions it's against the rules to hit? Ain't there girls who do that?"
agreed, what a loser! couldn't even motivate the crowd, like this.

Who would of thought that people wouldn't like being told what to do with their lives based on whats between their legs.....this is like if he told black people that they should stick to basketball or asian people to stick to math....that being said, I don't think people should dox this guy for it.....but they all have all the right to roast and say mean things about him on social media cuz "freedom of speech"....