Had a waiter confront me outside over a tip

All you Bernie liberals created this culture where people confront people that should have tipped better. I think that's a horrible tip, but I think the guy is a jerk.
I had a jackass at a pizza place I worked at confront me because I didn't give any of my tips to him at the end of the night. He was a insider employee. I said buy me an oil change bitch. I'm out there with thugs on the street, suck a dick.
If I was the owner and you complained I would've fired the guy unless I was in a major pinch for help.
Not entitled. I'd rather if someone doesn't want to tip, don't tip at all. Don't be like "I don't want to tip but don't want to be an asshole so I'm going to leave a 1% tip" type shit.

I ALSO think TS if they had said the waiter "hey dude, sorry but this is all I have" and handed them the $5 bill things may have gone differently.
I think that the shitty waiter would have said you could have tipped me on the credit card
I think that the shitty waiter would have said you could have tipped me on the credit card
The waiter as presented in the OP is a cunt and should have his bell rung for how he handled it.
they added it to the bill? uh, i don't think that was a tip, then.
I had to pay for a large group, so yeah 15% gratuity. They should be upfront about it and stick it in the bill if they absolutely insist. I mean, my wife expects me to tip at an all you can eat restaurant, where I go and get my own food..... makes little sense to me, the only service they're providing is picking up dishes, and I can do that myself since I'm getting up and getting my food..
Again, why should I care about this?

Quality of the service should dictate the tip amount. If you have a problem with tipping inform your waiter prior to their service. Ask them to include their service in the final bill or inform them to expect no tip at conclusion.

Your stubborn attitude shows a lack of understanding with how this industry works. Along with the mindset of what youre experiencing is equivalent to a fast food joint.

this is the position the left takes when it comes to the minimum wage. they want the minimum wage to go up, without having their bottom-line affected. it can't work that way, and everyone knows it. but of course it's all about keeping up appearances.

Political leanings have no merit on this topic.
OP, I would have REPORTED him to a manager and took my $5 back personally. Now, I don't think that was an appropriate tip though if the service was good. It's still not right for a server to do that crap. Whenever my husband and I have really bad service and don't leave anything or leave a bad tip for the bad service, we make sure we get the hell out of dodge BEFORE ANYONE HAS A **CHANCE** do that shit. The servers usually know what they did wrong or I report it to a manager and if they don't, then they should know. The thing is, it sounds like you were just cheap from the way it sounds that the service wasn't bad or anything like that.
Like I said earlier, it's like an upscale Applebee's (At least the one near me), if you're drinking cocktails it gets pretty expensive.

We weren't planning on staying that long, but one thing led to another and there was the bill.

If it's the BJ's brewhouse that is a chain, there's NOTHING about it that's upscale. Sorry, but the few times I have gone there, the service wasn't good, it was shitty. I had one waitress just because I added one side of ranch say "The people in the kitchen are sometimes blind" instead of just bringing it out ahead of time. Needless to say because of that remark, she got a shitty tip. You don't mention something you have FULL CONTROL OVER GETTING TO MY TABLE to my face and then expect a good tip over trying to get out of doing YOUR JOB. I was some pissed.

My point is, NOTHING about that restaurant is upscale.
I will say as a former bartender you do have to take the shitty tippers in stride but TS is a bitch and I am glad he got punked by said waitress.
the stench of poverty from this thread is stinking up all of mayberry.
Cheap people are definitely a pet peeve of mine.

Those who don't tip in industries designed for tipping are cheap. Some attempt silly mental gymnastics to justify their suckiness, but it doesn't pass the sniff test for normal people.
the stench of poverty from this thread is stinking up all of mayberry.

Cheap people are definitely a pet peeve of mine.

Those who don't tip in industries designed for tipping are cheap. Some attempt silly mental gymnastics to justify their suckiness, but it doesn't pass the sniff test for normal people.

I'm not poor, because I'm cheap.

You're both poor, because you're not cheap, congrats, eat shit and live LMFAO
They Wont Ever Find Out. Once Again, Those That Are Offended By The notion Are Obviously those Who Know They Are Bleeding Dicks. Its Hard To accept The Fact and There Isnt Anything You Can Do About It

The ones that are offended are the ones that think it's ridiculous for one person to purposely contaminate another and be a giant coward while hiding behind the notion of Anonymity while being smug about it.

Care to answer the other two questions I asked as well? Or are you just admitting that you steal and wouldn't do this job if you wouldn't be allowed to steal?
Cheap people are definitely a pet peeve of mine.

Those who don't tip in industries designed for tipping are cheap. Some attempt silly mental gymnastics to justify their suckiness, but it doesn't pass the sniff test for normal people.

Cheap people do not bother me at all, people that think I have to supplement their income bother me
Cheap people do not bother me at all, people that think I have to supplement their income bother me

Maybe because you're one of them? lol. Regardless, there are different degrees of cheap. Taken to the extreme, I think it borders on mental illness. The show extreme cheapskates shows the extreme, including people pissing in jugs instead of toilets so as not to pay for the water flush.