Had a waiter confront me outside over a tip

lol at people outraged that a dude who walked back and forth with drinks and did nothing else is upset over a 5 dollar tip.
lol at people outraged that a dude who walked back and forth with drinks and did nothing else is upset over a 5 dollar tip.

I learnt from this thread that a guy who is a poor performer at a job that basically anyone can do, should be given a $60 tip for 10-20 minutes work.
I learnt from this thread that a guy who is a poor performer at a job that basically anyone can do, should be given a $60 tip for 10-20 minutes work.

In the construction world the least qualified, least skilled shlubs are assigned tasks of moving things around the site, taking things to people or bringing people things that they need. They aren't paid particularly well because they bring nothing of value and are easily replaceable. Everyone understands that, no one throws them an extra 10 bucks because they moved that pile of material around, that is what they are expected to do and that is why they recieve a paycheck.

This is a completely irrelevant story and I'm sure there are no parallels to be drawn here.
I learnt from this thread that a guy who is a poor performer at a job that basically anyone can do, should be given a $60 tip for 10-20 minutes work.

I don't know how it works everywhere else, but here, the bartender pours all the drinks.

A server takes an order, gives it to the bartender, and the bartender makes the drinks. So, if you only order drinks, a server is literally just walking them to you. I don't care if I order a thousand dollars worth of shots, that's not a lot of work. Probably worth about 3 dollars an hour.
Cheap people do not bother me at all, people that think I have to supplement their income bother me


You're so sexy when you put your foot down.
Paying $50/hour for that table seems reasonable. No need to toss a grubby server a few extra pesos.
The restaurant gets that $50 an hour. The server most likely has to tip out, meaning he lost money serving this cheap fuck.
The restaurant gets that $50 an hour. The server most likely has to tip out, meaning he lost money serving this cheap fuck.

I think the restaurant is fine with being paid $50/hour for the table. Nobody really cares (nor should they) about how much income their servant, I mean server takes home. Not their responsibility to pad a servant's income.

Sounds like the servant needs to get a different line of employment? Pan handing for a few extra bucks so you can "tip out" is laughable.
Hey, tips are optional. I would have reported the guy to the manager and really fucked-up his day.
The waiter was way out of line and should be fired. But TS is a cheap fuck and should be ashamed of himself.
I think the restaurant is fine with being paid $50/hour for the table. Nobody really cares (nor should they) about how much income their servant, I mean server takes home. Not their responsibility to pad a servant's income.

Sounds like the servant needs to get a different line of employment? Pan handing for a few extra bucks so you can "tip out" is laughable.

How old are you? You have the maturity of a 12 year old.
I just wanted to say that I went out to eat 3 different times over the weekend and did not tip once
Went to a restaurant with a few of my friends last night, just to grab a few drinks and appetizers, a place called BJ's.

We end up staying for about 4 hours, from about 6-10, and for the 3 of us our total ended up being almost $200 (mainly alcohol).

We usually try and go out once a month and every month it's someone else's turn to cover the bill, and this time it was my turn.

So, figuring that even tho it was $200, I figured it's not that fucking hard to bring out 3 damn drinks at a time and we only had 2 small appetizers. I only had $5 cash on me and decided that would suffice considering it was just mainly alcohol purchased.

So after I pay with my card, I leave the $5 on the table, we walk out and sit on the bench while my friends smokes a cigarette and we continue to catch up. The waiter comes out side a minute later in a frenzy, screaming about this and that and how I'm a cheap fuck and how I shouldn't go out to eat if I can't afford to tip and shoves me to the ground.

He ends up saying "$5 on a $200 bill is unacceptable and I should go fuck myself", and then he goes back inside. My friends ask if $5 is really all I left? And I said yes, and they said why didn't you leave a tip on the receipt with your card? So I guess they took his side in the matter and they talked me out of going inside the restaurant and complaining.

How much do you goes tip for drinks? Was I in the wrong?

Cliffs : Went out with friends
Drank a lot
Tipped $5 on $200 bill because mainly alcohol
Waiter tries to fight me outside

Alcohol is at least $1 a drink. A bill that large with that much time sitting at her table should not be below $40. You destroyed her night's wages.