Gym Idiots Thread IV

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Members of the national rugby team here have chest-triceps days, back-biceps day and leg-shoulders day. No deadlifts. Squats and bench-press done on the smith machine. 10-20 sets per body-part, fast concentric slow eccentric, super-sets etc. This was also incidentally my routine before I found this forum.

Jeez, where are you located?
Members of the national rugby team here have chest-triceps days, back-biceps day and leg-shoulders day. No deadlifts. Squats and bench-press done on the smith machine. 10-20 sets per body-part, fast concentric slow eccentric, super-sets etc. This was also incidentally my routine before I found this forum.

That reminds me of another gym idiot story:

There's this goofy-looking moron who comes in and benches heavy with a pair of gloves just about every session, and he consistently works well past failure. After a few sloppy sets with 225, he'll inevitably throw on 275, ask for a spot, hit a single rep, then proceed to have his spotter pull the bar off his chest for a few more reps. He'll usually go up another 20-30 lbs. and repeat the process for set after set, though he'll reach a point where he's doing nothing but sloppy forced reps because he's working above his 1RM.

Anyway, we call this man speed-strength, because we once heard him telling a story to his buddy at the gym in which he talked about being approached to join the national rugby team. He said a friend of his once suggested he try to join it since, his friend believed, he "had the speed" and "had the strength." According to this guy's story, he shrugged off the offer, telling his buddy, "it's just not my sport."

Which is a shame, because the national rugby team would be a powerhouse with speed-strength anchoring it down. It's amazing how guys like him and that Amerikurana (sp) can drink their own kool-aid so readily--a good way to remain a lousy athlete for your entire life is to overestimate wildly your own abilities.
Jeez, where are you located?


Edit: Also have a ridiculous amount of "gym idiot" type stories about protein, which seems to be seen as a steroid here for some reason. Like people asking if I'm on any protein and if I've had any side-effects. People telling me I should cycle my protein or I'm gonna die young. People seeing me taking my protein shake after training and nodding saying stuff like "Pf, knew he wasn't natural.". People boasting about how they don't take anything and saying if they got on it they'd look like me in a month. People in grappling telling me I'm only over-powering them because of all those protein shakes, etc. etc. It's actually kinda hilarious.

Edit: Also have a ridiculous amount of "gym idiot" type stories about protein, which seems to be seen as a steroid here for some reason. Like people asking if I'm on any protein and if I've had any side-effects. People telling me I should cycle my protein or I'm gonna die young. People seeing me taking my protein shake after training and nodding saying stuff like "Pf, knew he wasn't natural.". People boasting about how they don't take anything and saying if they got on it they'd look like me in a month. People in grappling telling me I'm only over-powering them because of all those protein shakes, etc. etc. It's actually kinda hilarious.

When I was a younger lad, my idiot step-father once pulled me aside and said, "listen, Kyle--I see you've been taking creatine, and I just want for you to be careful. My grandson, Michael, was playing baseball as a shortstop when he went on creatine, and he ended up blowing out his knee that season. So...just be careful, OK?"

Not even once.

We are 26th actually. We are also the only amateur team to have ever competed in the world cup. 80% of our guys have full-time jobs as lawyers, engineers etc. as well as families to support and they still manage to train 3 times a day. These guys train the first time at 05:30 AM before work, then they train in their lunch-hour, then they train after work. They do all this without getting paid and without getting ANY government support at all, just for the love of rugby and their country. They are pretty much some of the manliest, coolest and most admirable people I've ever met, regardless of what retardation they do in the gym.
Yup, but at least it makes you appreciate pulling with standard plates when you can. I can't stand the 12 sided plates at my old Y for the same reason. Thankfully my new one has everything you could ask for, including round (and bumper) plates.

Haven't had the luxury yet of lifting the round weights... I may go to the CF gym/box to give them bumper plates a go!
When I was a younger lad, my idiot step-father once pulled me aside and said, "listen, Kyle--I see you've been taking creatine, and I just want for you to be careful. My grandson, Michael, was playing baseball as a shortstop when he went on creatine, and he ended up blowing out his knee that season. So...just be careful, OK?"

Not even once.

When I was a younger lad, my idiot step-father once pulled me aside and said, "listen, Kyle--I see you've been taking creatine, and I just want for you to be careful. My grandson, Michael, was playing baseball as a shortstop when he went on creatine, and he ended up blowing out his knee that season. So...just be careful, OK?"

Not even once.

Lol don't even get me started on creatine over here. I've had friends of mine plan "interventions" for other friends to help "get them clean", parents threaten to kick them out if they don't stop, etc. And of course there's always that someone whos cousin knows someone who was on creatine and was previously a nice, calm guy but once he got on it he just snapped and murdered his entire family, or some equally ridiculous story. If you even dare question the legitimacy of said story they'll bust out the "WELL MY COUSIN'S A MARINE AND A GOOD CHRISTIAN ARE YOU CALLING HIM A LIAR!?"
We are 26th actually. We are also the only amateur team to have ever competed in the world cup. 80% of our guys have full-time jobs as lawyers, engineers etc. as well as families to support and they still manage to train 3 times a day. These guys train the first time at 05:30 AM before work, then they train in their lunch-hour, then they train after work. They do all this without getting paid and without getting ANY government support at all, just for the love of rugby and their country. They are pretty much some of the manliest, coolest and most admirable people I've ever met, regardless of what retardation they do in the gym.

As someone who plays a bit of rugby, I have a lot of respect for anyone who could make the national team, all of whom could kick my ass on or off the field (well, maybe not the backs). That being said, 26th in world rugby is not very good, so it does not surprise me that their training is retarded. There is an enormous skill gap between the top 1-8 and top 9-20 teams, and beyond that it drops off even more steeply. Rugby, despite the world cup, is not like soccer. Not that many countries have serious rugby programs which attract top athletes, so quality varies sharply. Most South African, Australian or New Zealand club teams could beat national teams from other countries.

For example, Canada, my national team, is ranked 13 and gets routinely destroyed every four years at the world cup. Despite this, I have every confidence that they could make every team from 20 on down look like a bunch of fucking muppets.

Edit: Also have a ridiculous amount of "gym idiot" type stories about protein, which seems to be seen as a steroid here for some reason. Like people asking if I'm on any protein and if I've had any side-effects. People telling me I should cycle my protein or I'm gonna die young. People seeing me taking my protein shake after training and nodding saying stuff like "Pf, knew he wasn't natural.". People boasting about how they don't take anything and saying if they got on it they'd look like me in a month. People in grappling telling me I'm only over-powering them because of all those protein shakes, etc. etc. It's actually kinda hilarious.

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.
After hearing all the stories here about creatine/protein, i'm glad that in Germany you learn about the role that these substances play in your metabolism in school.
To bad we have the bro-epidemic too, and a lot of these people think that with supplements they will look like Jay Cuttler.
After hearing all the stories here about creatine/protein, i'm glad that in Germany you learn about the role that these substances play in your metabolism in school.
To bad we have the bro-epidemic too, and a lot of these people think that with supplements they will look like Jay Cuttler.

Same, here around a 2 or 3 years ago there was a huge "whey protein" out break where everyone started buying whey thinking they would get huge in a instant.

You don't know how many pictures on facebook there were of people and their buckets of protein powder.

Same, here around a 2 or 3 years ago there was a huge "whey protein" out break where everyone started buying whey thinking they would get huge in a instant.

You don't know how many pictures on facebook there were of people and their buckets of protein powder.


Ugg. I remember that. Given how obvious this seems, it makes me worry what ridiculous blindspots I might have in my own life.
Same, here around a 2 or 3 years ago there was a huge "whey protein" out break where everyone started buying whey thinking they would get huge in a instant.

You don't know how many pictures on facebook there were of people and their buckets of protein powder.


Sad to say, but a friend in high school bought a huge bucket (20 lbs+) of either protein or mass gainer (didn't know at the time). He was drinking them non stop, thinking he was building muscle with each shake. He wasn't lifting any weights or doing any sports. He did gain weight, but just got fatter. At least it was in like 1995, back when you couldn't just find 10,000 articles about it in 15 secs.

That was also the time frame in which I was doing competitive downhill skiing and the full time paid S&C coaches from the federation were making us do a full body workout on nautilus machines. Free weights were too dangerous and they wouldn't risk us being injured...

That same friend is now working construction and he got a work safety obligatory class in which the guy told them any form of training was destroying your body. According to this genius, each time you train, you break your muscles and it ages your body. Not really part of his class, just an irrelevant opinion he likes to tell hundreds of people likely to take it as a fact...
Same, here around a 2 or 3 years ago there was a huge "whey protein" out break where everyone started buying whey thinking they would get huge in a instant.

You don't know how many pictures on facebook there were of people and their buckets of protein powder.


It's still pretty big. Pop Eyes, it's always packed in there.
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