Guida landed scorpion kicks and the commentators never mentioned it once

Looks like I missed out not watching the Guida fight.
If only mike goldberg was there.... He would have instantly recognized the technique and never let it slide!
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I totally thought I saw that but I thought I was tripping, thanks for the gif.
only one landed. but yeah. guida is next level.
They probably thought he was going for a knee to the thigh but decided not to commit
Wish we had a better uncut angle.
Neat...I totally missed that myself.
I slowed it down on my dvr and the second one definitely landed
Since switching to TAM he looks a lot better and fought a great fight which he was a pretty big underdog, I'm a little surprised it's not being talked about more
Clay Neo Guida - going full on red pill.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
Did not even know those kicks were an option let alone they are called scorpion kicks lol.. they seem pretty ineffective but still awesome shit.

Wish we had a better uncut angle.
The crows acknowledged it both times tho. It was nice.

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