Guess the movie based off the vague synopsis!!

Today I discovered there's a Gap Band song for every response.
A rebellious group use ancient magicks to perform a series of terrorist attacks against military targets
A young man has sex for the first time and a library goes up in flames.
2 dudes meet historical figures of the world
Son is messed up in the head. Shoots up the school with a bow and arrow.
Here's a mashup

A fake Fabrege egg and a fellow agents death lead a segret agent to uncover a jewel smuggling operation and a secret government engineered half shark half octopus that went rogue.

Kid bangs his roommates mom without knowing it

Students are taught that all emotions can be placed on a Fear -------- Love spectrum by typical US teacher. The person the typical teachers admire the most turns out to be running a pedo organisation.

Skinny nerds create woman with computer to get laid and become popular.

two buddies film show in basement, make it to the big time, and almost lost it all to sleazy producer.

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