Gripping inside the gi pants


Brown Belt
Jul 28, 2004
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I know this is illegal under IBJJF for safety reasons. But I can't seem to understand how this causes injuries. Say I grab inside my opponent's pant sleeve and he kicks out hard. Wouldn't this just open my grip and his pant sleeve just slips out of my hand?

I don't use this grip, but I'm curious as to how it causes injuries.
If you grab inside and either you or you opponent twist your hand or leg 90-180 degrees your fingers can get trapped inside and you can't let go. This doesn't happen with outside grips because the curve of the pant cuff is pointing away from your grip as opposed to towards it.
pants grip is the bees knees. shuts down so many passing options.
Your fingers get twisted up in the fabric, and for all of IBJJF's faults and ridiculous rules (reaping) this one is legitimate.
You can break all your fingers doing it.
You could potentially get your hand twisted up... I understand the thought process, but I think it should be "At Your Own Risk" as opposed to an actual rule.

I also dislike the "No Reaping Rule", but that is another discussion for another day :)
Your fingers get twisted up in the fabric, and for all of IBJJF's faults and ridiculous rules (reaping) this one is legitimate.


It's legal to grab inside your own sleeve (eg for the sleeve choke). Wonder if someone will ever figure out how to do something useful by grabbing inside their own pant leg...
I know the rationale, but to me it always sounded like one of the made-up safety arguments that bjj inherited from judo.

I think it's one of those things where they didn't want to grip used because it's so obnoxious, and came up with a bullshit safety justification after the fact.
word ^

i can hang from the fingertips of one hand but someone's gonna break my fingers because of the way i grab a cuff? hokay.
I don't think it's dangerous to the point of needing to be illegal, but I've broken a finger when I inadvertently took that grip and my opponent kicked out of it.
My judo coach accidentally got his toe trapped in the gi pant during a foot sweep. His toe ended up hanging by skin as it was dislocated violently and tore through. I'd imagine its more common to sprain or strain it still.
If you play any type of guard with grips, I don't see how you can't recognize something bad happening from a mile away. I've fucked my fingers up plenty of times in spider guard, when the fabric is circle over my fingers from a standard grip. To reach inside someone's sleeve, you'd have to invite that in order to take an efficient grip. Unless you either grip the sleeve under their wrist, which wouldn't make sense, or grip with your palms facing up, which would be the most awkward spider guard ever.
I saw a lot of hand slapping this weekend at Master's for fingers in cuffs.

My friend got his hand slapped, and opened his hand to show he had a legal grip, it was all outside pants, just folded over enough that it looked illegal. The ref said, "Ok" and my friend closed his fist with the same grip.

You could potentially get your hand twisted up... I understand the thought process, but I think it should be "At Your Own Risk" as opposed to an actual rule.

I also dislike the "No Reaping Rule", but that is another discussion for another day :)

Nope, because valid in competition becomes valid for rolling and when you end up breaking the grip an injuring your training partners you end up being the asshole.
I know the rationale, but to me it always sounded like one of the made-up safety arguments that bjj inherited from judo.

I think it's one of those things where they didn't want to grip used because it's so obnoxious, and came up with a bullshit safety justification after the fact.

If someone grabs inside of my cuffs or pants i can do a circular motion, trap your fingers and kick leaving you wil finger pain at best for a while.

Since im not an asshole i would rather my teammate not use that grip in order for me not to damage their fingers.

Its like when i go train in my wizard gi (Mizuno keiko) which has a massive sleeves and some people think its a good idea to wrap their hands on my sleeve as some sort of super grip.

Sure its effective but then again when i get to break the grip they complain i hurt their fingers, no shit sherlock.

As with other dangerous newbie traps make them legal in brown belt+ competition.
* wants to grip inside the pants
* complains that insurance premiums are an overpriced rip-off
* complains that tournaments want extra insurance and pass the cost on to the players
* complains about the cost of gi's, and why does a clothing manufacturer even need a legal defense fund

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