**Greatest moments in MMA history... recreated in MS PAINT, part FIVE**

I posted it earlier in this thread but here's my rendition of lizard GSP



fucking love this, not in a laugh-out-loud way, but in a FUCK YEAH, bro-fist way

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shit man id love to do some more pics but i got shit to do. shout out to everyone posting pics, this thread fucking kills because of you guys, BITE DOWN ON YR MOUTHPIECE AND KEEP MOVIN FORWARD DROPPIN BOMZ
For a moment I thought that was a new HASSY drawing, and thought: wrong thread, dude - then I realized it's actually a great moment in HASSY history recreated in MS PAINT.

Remarkable job, and a well deserved hommage to the legend that is HASSY.

Holy fuck, that isn't a Hassy drawing?
I'm not on my computer now, can someone please draw this? Lol


^ I made this for another thread figured it belongs here too