Glory 16: Denver 9pm ET/6pm PT/2am UK DISCUSSION

Yes. But glory said point's will drop like 30% each year of not fighting, or something like this.

IIRC, matches from fighters 2 last years count, so little more than that. Schilt should be out of the rankings by end of this year.

His wiki stated he retired due to some medically condition

I'm not sure that was ever "officially" said anywhere. Doubt he fights anymore though.

Nevermind. 1/3 of points per year, so 3 years to get unranked if no more fights.
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Roufus: You have to be intelligent to do this.

Well, maybe in a couple of the lower weight classes, but certainly not HW.
Anybody feel bad for Berry? The kicking scene where he once fought is a whole new beast nowadays. Guys like Zimmberman, Saki, Badr, Guita would tear him a new asshole. He would probably do ok against Sergi but even he would crush him...

Glory should have Barry fight Jaideep or someone with little KO power. Or at least Jaideep didn't have much few years ago. Not bothered watching his fight in a few years.
I won't consider any of them as a legitimate champ.
I forgot this was for a title.......

Why the fuck is Bazooka Joe or Nieky Holzken not fighting right now?!?!?!
Are they seriously playing the fucking imperial march? Lol. I like Glory but sometimes I can't help but laugh at it.

That's all you have been doing in this thread at least, crying about every single little shit.
De Bonte has officially pulled guard. boring fight.
Think I have to quit watching Kickboxing if this Glory event will get good ratings.