Get off my lawn!!!


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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Off duty cop attempts to detain 13 year old, kids friends attack the dude, dude pulls out a gun and shoots the ground to make the kids run away, now everyone is "outraged" at the guy for pulling his gun.

It's a tough situation because what recourse does an adult have when punk kids are being dicks? You're not supposed to put your hands on them, and if you call the cops the kids will be long gone before they show up, and if you try to follow them home to talk to their parents the kids will just walk around forever and not go to their house so you never find out where they live. I mean seriously what's an adult supposed to do in this situation?
Lol at bringing a gun to confront 13 year olds. Way to protect and serve the public asshole
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Nothing to see here citizen, move along now. He just wanted to get home to his family.
Hank Hill approved...
Should have shot the kid and his immediate family post haste.
lol @ those fucking idiots protesting
lol @ those fucking idiots protesting

Like, I get the protesting, but c'mon man, don't smash the guy's windows, car and graffiti his walls. You're protesting someone who you are saying is a criminal... by doing criminal acts!

Fucking morons.

As for the actual incident, seems to be a whole lot of different accounts as to what led up to that moment.

Shitty situation all around.
Saw the video and the situation could've turned deadly. These weren't children the officer was dealing with. There were enough teenagers that could rush and overwhelm and take his gun.
Cop didn't do anything wrong. Poor innocent kids my ass. We all know they were thugs.
I bet they'll stay off his lawn now.
Those kids must of been white or else he would of killed them and got away with it.

I'll reserve judgement until I know the color of their skin
Reckless deployment of lethal force right there if true.
Saw the video and the situation could've turned deadly. These weren't children the officer was dealing with. There were enough teenagers that could rush and overwhelm and take his gun.

Can you post the full video because I only saw the off duty cop gripping the kid up while he was trying to get away and the another dude ran into the office duty cop pushing him over the bushes.

I need to see what lead to the off duty cop gripping the kid up.
Shooting into the ground on a lawn is the safest way to discharge a weapon to let someone know you're armed. A shot fired into the air has to land somewhere.