Law Founding fathers rolling over in their graves

Always a riot seeing the “conservatives” wearing their hatred for the constitution on their sleeve
I'll be honest and say I don't think the more progressive approach to society has really been a benefit.

I'd prefer we take an academic approach to schooling. *shrug* Focus less on teaching kids about getting plowed up the ass with dildos and more about math and science. I'd prefer a move back to center. I'd think we should be able to agree on that.
be honest and say I don't think the more progressive approach to society has really been a benefit.
Conservatives have been against ending slavery. They’ve been anti workers rights, weekends, 40 hour work week, 8 hour work days and overtime, integration, women’s suffrage, the civil rights movement, social security, Medicaid…
Conservatives have been against ending slavery. They’ve been anti workers rights, weekends, 40 hour work week, 8 hour work days and overtime, integration, women’s suffrage, the civil rights movement, social security, Medicaid…

"Ending slavery isn't working out, look at all these uneducated black people who cant get jobs! Ending segregation isnt working out, look at how much racial tension and violence had resulted! Women's suffrage isnt working out, next thing you know they will want jobs men did!! Sexual revolution isnt working out, look at all the things people find pleasurable that I feel are icky!!"

Same old salty bullsh*t as always
These religious extremists in the USA are nuts. They hate muslims and their regimes, but meanwhile they want the christian version of Sharia law in the USA.
Not to mention they want that Sharia law under their new king god Trump.
Goddamn it's good not to live in the USA.
America is whole cloth capitalism. The teachings of Christ aren’t.

The country was founded by Christians. The economic and political system it currently uses are irrelevant. Religion and economics are two distinct things

'Every Christian doesn't wander around in a robe and sandals all day hugging lepers lolz' isn't the own you dorks think it is.
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"Ending slavery isn't working out, look at all these uneducated black people who cant get jobs! Ending segregation isnt working out, look at how much racial tension and violence had resulted! Women's suffrage isnt working out, next thing you know they will want jobs men did!! Sexual revolution isnt working out, look at all the things people find pleasurable that I feel are icky!!"

Same old salty bullsh*t as always

yikes. massive strawman, crazy assumptions, and victimhood complex in this post.
Curious what issues you all have with the 10 commandments. You're pro thievery? Pro adultery? Murder shouldn't be discouraged? Kids respecting their parents is a line in the sand?
These are same folks that consider the right to kill unborn kids as one of biggest political issues.
This is the politics forum.

I'm talking about US politics, you Canuck. Stay in your lane.

I saw a post of you bitching and whining about our 65 billion dollar aid package to Ukraine and Israel. Bro, shut the fuck up. You don't pay our taxes so quit the pearl clutching.
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I'll be honest and say I don't think the more progressive approach to society has really been a benefit.

I'd prefer we take an academic approach to schooling. *shrug* Focus less on teaching kids about getting plowed up the ass with dildos and more about math and science. I'd prefer a move back to center. I'd think we should be able to agree on that.
You don’t have to be against the constitution to be against that. One doesn’t really have anything to do with the other
Political strategy is interesting to me. I don't think this and similar measures by conservative politicans is being pushed because they hold sincere religious beliefs. Most politicans regardless of party are amoral.

I am guessing the conservative politicans pushing this are trying to accomplish the following:

1) Score easy points with their base without really having to do anything hard.
2) Push back again left leaning idealogy to avoid losing ground.
3) Attempt to indoctrinate youth towards more right leaning idealogy.
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Political streategy is interesting to me. I don't think this and similar measures by conservative politicans is being pushed because they hold sincere religious believes. Most politicans regardless of party are amoral.

I am guessing the conservitve politicans pushing this are trying to accomplish the following:

1) Score easy points with their base without really having to do anything hard.
2) Push back again left leaning idealogy to avoid losing ground
3) Attempt to indoctrinate youth towards more right leaning idealogy
Can’t argue anything in this post
They just won’t quit with this bullshit. Bunch of fucking zealots.

Stop endorsing one religion over another, in school or government. It’s not hard.
What are they doing to endorse Judaism over every other religion?