Law Founding fathers rolling over in their graves

Don't care about the Ten Commandments, but for the government to require them is a big fuck no without equal requirements to represent all other BS religions.

Satanic Church are going to have a field day with this. They're already pushing to have their Ministers in schools since Texas made it legal to have Ministers instead of guidance counselors.
I’m all for keeping religion outta the schools…and your pronouns, what you identify as, what goofy flag you’re marching for/against, your OF handle, and any other bs that isn’t relevant towards moving forward with actual education
Curious what issues you all have with the 10 commandments. You're pro thievery? Pro adultery? Murder shouldn't be discouraged? Kids respecting their parents is a line in the sand?
It's a secular country. We can have laws without bringing Jesus up and proclaiming that there's one true God and his day should be honored and his name shouldn't be taken in vain. If it was Jewish or Muslim scripture being presented in schools would you treat it just as nonchalantly?
We aren’t a Christian majority country. If you take away Mormons, JW’s, and 7th day adventists (which all have extra canonical books that fly directly in the face of the Bible) you’re well below half.
7th dayers are an odd group that often contradict themselves.
it's a reaction to this. are you surprised? both don't belong there, but one's a million times worse...




The biggest meme contributor outside the meme thread is back... <{cruzshake}>
It's a secular country. We can have laws without bringing Jesus up and proclaiming that there's one true God and his day should be honored and his name shouldn't be taken in vain. If it was Jewish or Muslim scripture being presented in schools would you treat it just as nonchalantly?
Aren’t the ten commandments technically Jewish scripture?
Maybe if the Left hadn't gone so crazy with power, they wouldn't be clutching their pearls at the inevitable pendulum swing going on right now.
You're absolutely right.

Religious indoctrination is infinitely worse. There are religous operatives in Governments all over the world imprisoning and executing homosexuals people in many places. Cant say as I've ever heard of a gay regime executing Christians
Unless you count slaying on stage.
Maybe if the Left hadn't gone so crazy with power, they wouldn't be clutching their pearls at the inevitable pendulum swing going on right now.

Ahh the old "you made me harm you" routine. Works well on battered spouses, not so much establishing theocracies headed-up by the biggest crybullies in the land.
Maybe if the Left hadn't gone so crazy with power, they wouldn't be clutching their pearls at the inevitable pendulum swing going on right now.
Correct. Everyone has been so childish the last 10ish years, that anytime one party does something, it gives the other party a "right" to go even weirder.

A unified vision seems almost impossible these days. And that's REALLY sad.
Since I am a Libertarian and mostly live in Hawaii, I don't even like public education. I tried it for my oldest and he offered me $100 for every month he learned something. Just one thing. It is extremely bad.

That being said, I would be for a truly secular education. Unfortunately, some schools are pushing sexual identities, doctrine, and political beliefs along with social Marxism.

Also, what people don't realize, is the whole separation of church and state isn't in the constitution, Bill of Rights, or any of the formation documents, but rather a quote found in a personal letter from Thomas Jefferson.
Ahh the old "you made me harm you" routine. Works well on battered spouses, not so much establishing theocracies headed-up by the biggest crybullies in the land.
Please. Comparing political movements overreaching with their power, is not comparable to wife beating. In a democracy, the pendulum swings when one side overreaches. The left wants to put anti-religious shit in schools(and that's putting it mildly), so you're gonna eventually get a push back.

What would be nice, is if both sides dropped the politicization of schools, and focused on math and reading n' shit.