Opinion Feminists angry that men can now have sex with sexdolls.

That whole scene was hilarious
I do find it a bit odd they are moaning about sex dolls but have no hate towards dildo's - at least the doll is complete anatomically , the other is just the part they want to use.
In a strange way this kinda makes sense
I came In expecting to laugh and call bullshit but I agree with that quote pretty much.

BUT at the same time you need to consider why more and more men are willing or even considering shit like this. Men like to stick their Dicks in things. And women are becoming horrible, terrifying, and scary to alot of men.

Of course they'll always be alot of guys who'd just fuck anything and would think twice but I bet now a days it's a much much higher number than even 10 years ago.
@Madmick, why has been tagged under opinion? Originally It was poster under no tag, but last it checked it is tagged under opinion. Why is it opinion? The article I have posted is a renowned feminists site & if you have read the article then you will clearly see the author of the article wrote it because of her anger. It was clearly shown in that piece.

I know it might me some other MOD who might have changed it & not you, but just asking you what is the reason to categorise it under opinion?
I think a man is pretty messed up if he has sex with his dolls.

I could care less who as sex with who or WHAT

I like the fact you pluralized it to Doll(s),
He can play with em and that’s fine but absolutely no penetration(not fine). And that goes for each and every one.

In Japan they originally made super realistic sex dolls for retarded men. I think that's a good idea.

What kind of pussy fucks a plastic doll??


Shouldn't have injected marihuanas directly into my bloodstream before reading this thread. <45>
I knew a guy like that. Once we went to a frat party in college and they were having a contest who could get the fattest girl to come with them. My buddy Nick won with out even being aware of the contest lol
I think a man is pretty messed up if he has sex with his dolls.
If it keeps them from having sex with boys tho. Maybe they should donate one to all pastors?

Surely you must agree that if these dolls were to stop the systemic rape of boys directly in houses of God, it would be a no brainer to use some of those tax free tithe dollars to purchase some sex dolls. God gave us the intelligence to create these magnificent tools, why are you questioning God's will?
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In the war of the sexes, men are more pragmatic and often direct in their solutions. Doesn't mean we don't complain endlessly about it, but ultimately solutions are proposed and implemented till women come up with the next angle of attack and the struggle continues.
@Madmick, why has been tagged under opinion? Originally It was poster under no tag, but last it checked it is tagged under opinion. Why is it opinion? The article I have posted is a renowned feminists site & if you have read the article then you will clearly see the author of the article wrote it because of her anger. It was clearly shown in that piece.

I know it might me some other MOD who might have changed it & not you, but just asking you what is the reason to categorise it under opinion?

It's the polite way of saying pointless shit thread. Seems apt to me.
@Madmick, why has been tagged under opinion? Originally It was poster under no tag, but last it checked it is tagged under opinion. Why is it opinion? The article I have posted is a renowned feminists site & if you have read the article then you will clearly see the author of the article wrote it because of her anger. It was clearly shown in that piece.

I know it might me some other MOD who might have changed it & not you, but just asking you what is the reason to categorise it under opinion?
Because the source of the article is an Op-Ed by Megan Walker.
Because the source of the article is an Op-Ed by Megan Walker.

If I don't want to use any tag then what's the problem? You don't have to look at the other forums just look at the heavies where many threads with Media goes without the Media tag. Posters shouldn't be forced to use the tags.
"Men do not have a right to sex"

Women don't have a right to tell men what to do with their bodies.