Fedor signed to Sakakibara's new promotion + SPIKE will broadcast NYE show

I want to ban-level bash the shit out of Fedor and all his fanboy nuthuggers right now.

all of them? some of us is nice people. we are going through crappy times anyway.

no further bashing required.
Whyyyyyy to fight who...


Fedor doesn't like the UFC's policy on exclusive contracts and binding you to fight their way or the highway. For that I understand that fighting in the UFC is like fighting with a dick in your ass 24/7. But that being said if Fedor wanted to fight the best he just missed the chance.

He got tooled in Strikeforce by UFC fighters though so meh.
Damn, I genuinely thought Fedor wanted to come back to fight legit competition, in the UFC specifically. Ah well, I guess he doesn't care how the world sees his accomplishments. Unless ofcourse he wants a couple of warm up fights before coming to the UFC *sigh*
Fedor ducking the best going to fight some no-name jobbers in Japan.

Nothing new here.
Not to mention, the event won't even air live! We will get a tape delay in the US. WTF is the point when all the MMA writers are just going to spoil it?

This sucks.
GSP is also coming out of retirement to fight for Sakakibara on NYE! He'll be fighting none other than the DREAM Welterweight Grand Prix Champion, Marius Zaromskis!
WTF... I think there is nobody that isn't at least a little disappointed now... And I don't believe that warm-up shit either. This guy won't fight in Bellator or UFC. And it sucks.
He is getting paid in Japan.

UFC didnt want to pay him.

Deal with it.
It's amazing how many got so excited over the prospect of the chubby Russian signing with the UFC. This isn't 2007 or 2009, back when he was universally considered the best heavyweight in the world; it's 2015, where he's nearly 40 years old, hasn't fought in three years & got decisively stopped three times in a row the last time he went up against some ranked fighters (one being a natural middleweight.)
Good for Bellator going all in with Fedor, everyone knows that's a sure fire way to be out of business in 18 months
It's amazing how many got so excited over the prospect of the chubby Russian signing with the UFC. This isn't 2007 or 2009, back when he was universally considered the best heavyweight in the world; it's 2015, where he's nearly 40 years old, hasn't fought in three years & got decisively stopped three times in a row the last time he went up against some ranked fighters (one being a natural middleweight.)

The UFC prefer the chubby Mexican, you know the one getting the title shot after getting his ass whopped after being injured for 15 years
Good for Bellator going all in with Fedor, everyone knows that's a sure fire way to be out of business in 18 months

I think Ariel's Twitter said the 2 fights are exclusively with Sakakibara, not Bellator.
As soon as I saw Jerry Millen in the cage I was like...

He hasn't had a top win in 5 years and he's old. It's a good thing that he didn't come to the UFC because he'd get crushed.

It's just sad how he's the only HW out of his contemporaries to NEVER have fought in the UFC. Not even once.
whats the name of the new promotion? I wanted to see him fight in the states, But maybe this is a good thing. Maybe he will help launch a sucessful Japanese promotion... Forcing the UFC to start paying fighters better or risk losing them to Japan.. Also maybe we will get some good fights to watch and some new fighters who might have been over looked by the UFC... hopefully they air all the promotions fights on spike... who knows maybe it will take off and compete with the UFC
That's great news to me.

Not only we are promised a new Fedor fight soon, but in addition, it may help to kickstart a new promotion in Japan, where MMA was dead these last years. I couldn't care less about Fedor in the UFC, but I am greatly excited by the news of a new org in Japan.