Media Fedor does seminar in Serbia, still in great shape.

Indeed. The fact that he, and so many ex-athletes even need to get on TRT in middle age should just tell everyone how fucked up their hormones are from a lifetime of PED abuse. I've never touched a PED in my life and eat a reasonably good diet, and also a lifelong athlete. I'm almost as old as Fedor and my hormone levels are just fine on their own, I have no problems staying lean and/or putting on muscle and I run daily and swim fairly often.

To reiterate: Anybody that needs TRT in middle age, only needs it because they abused PEDs in their younger years. Or they have some kind of hormonal condition.

On average in med testosterone starts to decrease in the US before we hit 30. If you are using 40 for middle age, this is 10-12 years of decreasing testosterone levels. No, this does not apply to everyone but unsurprisingly the bulk of men will be within the bulk of the bell curve.
Indeed. The fact that he, and so many ex-athletes even need to get on TRT in middle age should just tell everyone how fucked up their hormones are from a lifetime of PED abuse. I've never touched a PED in my life and eat a reasonably good diet, and also a lifelong athlete. I'm almost as old as Fedor and my hormone levels are just fine on their own, I have no problems staying lean and/or putting on muscle and I run daily and swim fairly often.

To reiterate: Anybody that needs TRT in middle age, only needs it because they abused PEDs in their younger years. Or they have some kind of hormonal condition.

This is 100% false and ignorant. The fact that you resort to using yourself as an example "therefore my opinion must be true" is a big red flag that you haven't the damnedest clue as to what you're talking about or the ability to think before you speak. Jesus.

What's the point of going on TRT in middle age if it just shrinks your balls? I'll eat right and stay in shape the natural way

It's almost as if you type merely to prove my point. Thanks.

On average in med testosterone starts to decrease in the US before we hit 30. If you are using 40 for middle age, this is 10-12 years of decreasing testosterone levels. No, this does not apply to everyone but unsurprisingly the bulk of men will be within the bulk of the bell curve.

Dude has no idea what a bell curve is, bro. He just swims, bro, and it confuses his testicles into producing more testosterone, bro.
Dude has no idea what a bell curve is, bro. He just swims, bro, and it confuses his testicles into producing more testosterone, bro.

Yeah. I regularly wonder how people made it out of grade school since they think their opinion trumps minor things like science and statistics.
Chers turn back time came on inside my head. Dude looks amazing. Then again is it because of trt or something along that nature. He looks 20 years younger
People act like getting TRT makes you automatically get in insane shape without putting in any work.

Fedor still trains hard af. So if he's on TRT it doesn't mean that he's sitting on his ass and eating pizza and drinking Pepsi while gaining mass.

According to Vadim Nemkov Fedor is doing the same strength and conditioning program as Nemkov and all the other guys in Team Fedor. That's insanely impressive for a 47 year old.

I've seen their S&C workouts. It's very intense. So yea if Fedor is taking something then it's most likely because he needs it to keep up with the workload, not because he wants his biceps to grow.

The gained muscle mass is a product of hard training, not just sitting on his ass and taking TRT.
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