Father of Berlin victim: Many thanks Mrs Merkel! I hope nobody votes for your ever again!

Funny how the people who cry about discussions about immigration policy in the wake of a refugee terrorist attack as "exploiting the deaths of the victims" never apply the same logic to their push to ban guns after a mass shooting in the US. And of course, vice versa is true as well.
Not pointing fingers here. It's just a fact. Both the far right and ISIS want a clear anti-Muslim policy. Of course the reasons are completely different.

Do you really think ISIS is against flooding Europe with Muslims and spreading Islam?
There is a clear dialectic element here though. The number of those waging war on the other side is quite small. There is a huge number of Muslims that appears indifferent. They may join the jihad, or they may choose to side with civilization, but it's not a given yet. It is why the war rhetoric is pretty dangerous. I absolutely agree that we are at war with radical Islam, but I do not agree we are at war with all Muslims.

I would fully expect you to be so stupid.

They are muslim's and will never side with you, no matter the beers they have and strip clubs they visit. You your culture language laws is the enemy of them being muslim and their islam. When they shit starts its muslims islam first and everyone else the enemy, its been like that for 1500 years they sure as fuck wont give it up for your shitty sauerkraut and a hineken.

By the virtue of them being muslims their beliefs in islam its a given they will join the jihad. They are actually quite honest about this, be it france germany they openly state it. There is no debate about this to any one with open eyes. But chumps like you still have their head up their ass and pretend otherwise.
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She needs as much shit as possilble thrown at her. She's contributing directly to the downfall of a fantastic country.
Some far-left weirdos, especially in Europe, currently claim to speak for the victims of Anis Amri's Christmas gift in form of a terrorist attack when they talk about how the response has to be more tolerance and how it's immoral to 'exploit' the 'incident' with 'right-wing propaganda'. You find similar reactions on America's far-left after cultural enrichment incidents as well. Actually, German law enforcement agencies seem to investigate politicians who publicly said that this attack is also Merkel's fault.

Seems like the father of one of the victims agrees with people who think German chancellor Merkel is guilty of not protecting her citizens. In an interview, he spoke out against her:
"Many thanks Mrs. Merkel, as long as I live, I will never ever vote for you again, and I hope all of my friends and my family do the same!"

Danish article:

So could liberals please stop to claim the moral high ground whenever conservatives push for more sane migration policies and call it 'exploiting' and 'standing on the grave' of victims if the victims' families tend to agree? Not that it's a big problem here but I thought it was interesting to actually hear from victims or their families instead of assuming what they think or want etc
I thought Germans were supposed to thank the Muslims for killing their children and donate to more Refugee charities?

Guess it only applies if you were raped first
There is a clear dialectic element here though. The number of those waging war on the other side is quite small. There is a huge number of Muslims that appears indifferent. They may join the jihad, or they may choose to side with civilization, but it's not a given yet. It is why the war rhetoric is pretty dangerous. I absolutely agree that we are at war with radical Islam, but I do not agree we are at war with all Muslims.

Thing is, muslims in Europe today should not be allowed anymore to be "indifferent".
Not when they benefit from being in Europe.

If a guest, a guest so lucky to be accepted in europe, is "neutral" in this debate to the point that may eventually one day chose to support other bad guests against the host... that guest already deserve the door

You want to live here.
In a more rich, civilized and safe country.
A country that even use part of the public moneys to give you help.
You're already asking much, but this possibility exist.

But is a privilege, not something you deserve or that the host "must" do (despite what left propaganda push as truth) and as a privilege you have at least to be the best guest possible.

Hostility on any level, even the lightest one, should not be an option
Not even "neutrality" should be one, if you know something that may help the generous host and you don't side with the guest, this is not neutrality, you are already an enemy of the hand that's feeding you and deserve adeguate reaction.

You host 2 peoples in your home, sharing with them part of your wealth.
One of them steal in front of the other, the other if is a good guest should side with the host.
If he does'nt, he's guilty too.

Any kind of support of enemies of the host should result into deportation.
You can't be loyal to your peoples and steal resources from the rich host.

Integration should be FORCED, optional (as you could refuse and leave the country) but forced on who want stay.
Whoever chose to be the lucky privileged guest of XXX euro country, must be grateful of the opportunity, owe loyality to XXX as his new country and respect it's rules as his new rules.

Anything less should result into deal break and deportation

Governements refuse to admit it because it's in big part theyr fault, but we are already in war

Not against muslims or foreigners, but against "bad guests".
If you're a guest you can chose to be a good one or a bad one, no bullshit "neutral" third option given

This if a country is'nt into self-destruction and give that minimal amount of given fucks about respect it's citiziens (both natives and good guests)

Only way to stop this shit is show zero tolerance to any kind of hostility and made clear to Ahmed that support our enemies in ANY way will result into lose every single life improvement he got from living in XXX, included the simple possibility of being there.

That way some will be stupid enough to chose to bite and face the consequence of it, but most (specially the well integrated ones (the only ones we should accept) will take as much as possible the distances from the bad ones, depriving them of the community shield

It's the same shit of big mafias here, they keep and will keep exist because the state don't have the balls to strike the social habitat that allow them to exist... except in this case there is the deportation card avaible

Europe have the the power to fix the situation, but not the will.

The current powers act on the base of a diseased ideology that have no application on real world (or at least have one that will not benefit citiziens), and pay the price of the errors with the blood of native citiziens and cause a involution of society. Basically the opposite a state is supposed to do.

Europe is just showing weakness, no matter wich moral high ground they pretend to represent.
Weakness and fake naivety.
And worse than both, no will of redeem themself, just more propaganda, censorship and pretending still to be in the right.

Citiziens paid and will pay in future with theyr blood the price of Merkel madness, on all levels of scale, from another big attack to some free-to-be-here piece of shit that this New Year Eve will go rapey again Koln style

A state don't have the power to protect theyr citiziens with 100% of success, but is it's duty to at least try with maximum effort

Merkel (and others) show very clearly that citiziens blood is a price they're willing to pay for theyr ideology

Nobody is asking for unfair treatment, just for inflexible justice that leave untouched guests that does no wrong.
The time for tolerance for "not perfect" ones is gone many lives ago.
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These refugees are saving our future due to their high birth rate and gaurunteed positive economic impact. Yet we effectively spit in their face by having the nerve to celebrate Xmas in their presence.

And you're all surprised they drive a few trucks into a couple of stupid markets, or have a few sexual emergencies with young boys??
Thing is, muslims in Europe today should not be allowed anymore to be "indifferent".
Not when they benefit from being in Europe.

If a guest, a guest so lucky to be accepted in europe, is "neutral" in this debate to the point that may eventually one day chose to support other bad guests against the host... that guest already deserve the door

You want to live here.
In a more rich, civilized and safe country.
A country that even use part of the public moneys to give you help.
You're already asking much, but this possibility exist.

But is a privilege, not something you deserve or that the host "must" do (despite what left propaganda push as truth) and as a privilege you have at least to be the best guest possible.

Hostility on any level, even the lightest one, should not be an option
Not even "neutrality" should be one, if you know something that may help the generous host and you don't side with the guest, this is not neutrality, you are already an enemy of the hand that's feeding you and deserve adeguate reaction.

You host 2 peoples in your home, sharing with them part of your wealth.
One of them steal in front of the other, the other if is a good guest should side with the host.
If he does'nt, he's guilty too.

Any kind of support of enemies of the host should result into deportation.
You can't be loyal to your peoples and steal resources from the rich host.

Integration should be FORCED, optional (as you could refuse and leave the country) but forced on who want stay.
Whoever chose to be the lucky privileged guest of XXX euro country, must be grateful of the opportunity, owe loyality to XXX as his new country and respect it's rules as his new rules.

Anything less should result into deal break and deportation

Governements refuse to admit it because it's in big part theyr fault, but we are already in war

Not against muslims or foreigners, but against "bad guests".
If you're a guest you can chose to be a good one or a bad one, no bullshit "neutral" third option given

This if a country is'nt into self-destruction and give that minimal amount of given fucks about respect it's citiziens (both natives and good guests)

Only way to stop this shit is show zero tolerance to any kind of hostility and made clear to Ahmed that support our enemies in ANY way will result into lose every single life improvement he got from living in XXX, included the simple possibility of being there.

That way some will be stupid enough to chose to bite and face the consequence of it, but most (specially the well integrated ones (the only ones we should accept) will take as much as possible the distances from the bad ones, depriving them of the community shield

It's the same shit of big mafias here, they keep and will keep exist because the state don't have the balls to strike the social habitat that allow them to exist... except in this case there is the deportation card avaible

Europe have the the power to fix the situation, but not the will.

The current powers act on the base of a diseased ideology that have no application on real world (or at least have one that will not benefit citiziens), and pay the price of the errors with the blood of native citiziens and cause a involution of society. Basically the opposite a state is supposed to do.

Europe is just showing weakness, no matter wich moral high ground they pretend to represent.
Weakness and fake naivety.
And worse than both, no will of redeem themself, just more propaganda, censorship and pretending still to be in the right.

Citiziens paid and will pay in future with theyr blood the price of Merkel madness, on all levels of scale, from another big attack to some free-to-be-here piece of shit that this New Year Eve will go rapey again Koln style

A state don't have the power to protect theyr citiziens with 100% of success, but is it's duty to at least try with maximum effort

Merkel (and others) show very clearly that citiziens blood is a price they're willing to pay for theyr ideology

Nobody is asking for unfair treatment, just for inflexible justice that leave untouched guests that does no wrong.
The time for tolerance for "not perfect" ones is gone many lives ago.

Typical alt right, using the death of his daughter to advance a political agenda.

Am I doing it right
Do you really think ISIS is against flooding Europe with Muslims and spreading Islam?

You're not seeing the point. ISIS is in favor of increased recruitment. What gets ISIS increased recruitment? Perceived relevance and a strong Muslim victim complex. The far right's policies feed exactly into that. Again, I am not advocating to ignore the issue becaubecause that will not make it go away and ISIS unfortunately can escalate tensions simply by committing further simple terrorist acts like in Berlin.

I would fully expect you to be so stupid.

They are muslim's and will never side with you, no matter the beers they have and strip clubs they visit. You your culture language laws is the enemy of them being muslim and their islam. When they shit starts its muslims islam first and everyone else the enemy, its been like that for 1500 years they sure as fuck wont give it up for your shitty sauerkraut and a hineken.

By the virtue of them being muslims their beliefs in islam its a given they will join the jihad. They are actually quite honest about this, be it france germany they openly state it. There is no debate about this to any one with open eyes. But chumps like you still have their head up their ass and pretend otherwise.

'When the shit starts' - in other words when the culture war becomes a reality - we're fucked either way. Preventing that this happens is the key issue. When regular Muslims in the West believe ISIS is acting in their best interest and Western democracies are their enemy, we will get that war.

Right now, terrorism is an issue that is bad, but it does not disrupt our societies yet. We need to find a way to get rid of as many radicals as possible without driving those on the fence into waging jihad. Believe me, Germany can deal with a couple hundred jihadis and even a couple terror attacks. If Muslims go into full culture war mode as a group, we're fucked.

Again, trying to pretend there is no problem does not help. There is a clear issue regarding cultural values and a propensity to violent radicalism in the Muslim community that they fail to acknowledge and address in a way that would even be remotely acceptable. But acting like all Muslims have declared war on us and we now need to go full Auschwitz leads us down a path we should not go precisely for our self-preservation.
You're not seeing the point. ISIS is in favor of increased recruitment. What gets ISIS increased recruitment? Perceived relevance and a strong Muslim victim complex. The far right's policies feed exactly into that. Again, I am not advocating to ignore the issue becaubecause that will not make it go away and ISIS unfortunately can escalate tensions simply by committing further simple terrorist acts like in Berlin.

ok if you cherrypick certain things you can make that case, but you can also make that case about the left (pushing open borders and mass Muslim migration and suppressing dissent, weakening the population psychologically by shutting off their self preservation mechanism, and trying to 'diversify' the power structure to promote minority groups into power), so I don't see much meaning in it.
Thing is, muslims in Europe today should not be allowed anymore to be "indifferent".
Not when they benefit from being in Europe.

If a guest, a guest so lucky to be accepted in europe, is "neutral" in this debate to the point that may eventually one day chose to support other bad guests against the host... that guest already deserve the door

You want to live here.
In a more rich, civilized and safe country.
A country that even use part of the public moneys to give you help.
You're already asking much, but this possibility exist.

But is a privilege, not something you deserve or that the host "must" do (despite what left propaganda push as truth) and as a privilege you have at least to be the best guest possible.

Hostility on any level, even the lightest one, should not be an option
Not even "neutrality" should be one, if you know something that may help the generous host and you don't side with the guest, this is not neutrality, you are already an enemy of the hand that's feeding you and deserve adeguate reaction.

You host 2 peoples in your home, sharing with them part of your wealth.
One of them steal in front of the other, the other if is a good guest should side with the host.
If he does'nt, he's guilty too.

Any kind of support of enemies of the host should result into deportation.
You can't be loyal to your peoples and steal resources from the rich host.

Integration should be FORCED, optional (as you could refuse and leave the country) but forced on who want stay.
Whoever chose to be the lucky privileged guest of XXX euro country, must be grateful of the opportunity, owe loyality to XXX as his new country and respect it's rules as his new rules.

Anything less should result into deal break and deportation

Governements refuse to admit it because it's in big part theyr fault, but we are already in war

Not against muslims or foreigners, but against "bad guests".
If you're a guest you can chose to be a good one or a bad one, no bullshit "neutral" third option given

This if a country is'nt into self-destruction and give that minimal amount of given fucks about respect it's citiziens (both natives and good guests)

Only way to stop this shit is show zero tolerance to any kind of hostility and made clear to Ahmed that support our enemies in ANY way will result into lose every single life improvement he got from living in XXX, included the simple possibility of being there.

That way some will be stupid enough to chose to bite and face the consequence of it, but most (specially the well integrated ones (the only ones we should accept) will take as much as possible the distances from the bad ones, depriving them of the community shield

It's the same shit of big mafias here, they keep and will keep exist because the state don't have the balls to strike the social habitat that allow them to exist... except in this case there is the deportation card avaible

Europe have the the power to fix the situation, but not the will.

The current powers act on the base of a diseased ideology that have no application on real world (or at least have one that will not benefit citiziens), and pay the price of the errors with the blood of native citiziens and cause a involution of society. Basically the opposite a state is supposed to do.

Europe is just showing weakness, no matter wich moral high ground they pretend to represent.
Weakness and fake naivety.
And worse than both, no will of redeem themself, just more propaganda, censorship and pretending still to be in the right.

Citiziens paid and will pay in future with theyr blood the price of Merkel madness, on all levels of scale, from another big attack to some free-to-be-here piece of shit that this New Year Eve will go rapey again Koln style

A state don't have the power to protect theyr citiziens with 100% of success, but is it's duty to at least try with maximum effort

Merkel (and others) show very clearly that citiziens blood is a price they're willing to pay for theyr ideology

Nobody is asking for unfair treatment, just for inflexible justice that leave untouched guests that does no wrong.
The time for tolerance for "not perfect" ones is gone many lives ago.

Too much to reply to on christmas eve but I will
Terrorist attacks are from this point forward to be called "Cultural Enrichment".
ok if you cherrypick certain things you can make that case, but you can also make that case about the left (pushing open borders and mass Muslim migration and suppressing dissent, weakening the population psychologically by shutting off their self preservation mechanism, and trying to 'diversify' the power structure to promote minority groups into power), so I don't see much meaning in it.

IMO the trick is finding the middle ground. Fighting the Muslim issue without actually fighting all Muslims and forcing them to become our enemies.

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