Ever think about how stupid you are?

What is this Lortab you speak of? Just in case my wife ever invites 2 of her friends for my birthday.
It's an opioid pain medication. When I was in my 20's I would try to keep one or two on hand just in case I met a girl I wanted to impress in bed. My theory is this, if you bang a girl good and right the FIRST time, they'll let you bang them 100 times afterwards even if you put in bad performances. If you put in a bad performance the first time, you're never getting that shot again.
We're all stupid in some degree. Impossible to know everything.
A little old lady got out of her car in the grocery store parking lot... she asked me to grab her a cart to help her walk.

No problem. I grab her a cart make sure she's good while she tells me "I have vertigo"...

I heard "I'm a Virgo" and replied "I'm an Aires" chuckled thinking this old bird's still got it!

I'm an idiot
I'll write this story out because I just love it.

I'm about 22 or 23 and I'm this broke ass kid living in some cheap trailer park. There's another guy that lives there his name was Casey, me and him hung out sometimes. One day, Casey introduces me to these 2 girls Cassie (19, 5/10) and Becky (18, 7/10). They are both bi and in a relationship and had just moved in. Cassie looks like your typical butch lesbo who would probably look good if she tried to look like a girl. Becky is a bit of a butterface but her body is 10/10.

Over the next couple weeks, I go and start hanging out with them and they would let me make out with them but not go any further than that. I was alright with that it was just fun to me. So it's a Tuesday and Casey tells me the girls are going to be having a little party on Friday and I just told him I would let them have their fun and probably stay at home. He said he was going to do the same. Neither of us really knew them that well.

Friday rolls around, it's 1 AM. My phone rings and it's Cassie, she asks me if I have any weed and if I'll come smoke with them. I said sure and she said to just come in the door is unlocked and come to the bedroom. I walk over there and there's a truck outside so I know someone is there. I walk in and there's this dude passed the fuck out sprawled out on the floor. I step over his body and go to the bedroom.

I walk in the bedroom and there's 3 girls in there, Becky, Cassie, and a girl named Madison (18, 9/10 damn solid 9/10). When I walked in Madison immediately looked at me and said "You're fucking hot", ok so I was taken aback a bit but these girls had clearly been drinking. I'm thinking 1) This wasn't about the weed was it and 2) Holy fucking shit.

I go and sit next to Madison and just start making out with her. After a little bit I light up the joint and then I remember I have a Lortab at home and if I go take I will not bust a nut and can bang all 3. So I go home, do that, go back, and then I start making out with Madison again. Cassie cuts out the lights and the rest is fucking history.

I really feel sorry for the dude who passed the fuck out on the floor LMAO

That's a good story.
No. I have never made a bad decision in my life. I am perfect.

All the time. The same brain that troubleshoots expensive equipment and runs a business is also the same brain that just yesterday, put ice cream in the fridge or the other week lost my car keys (they were in the ignition).
Can't grow without self reflection. We are what made us (life experiences) and sometimes we have to understand our flaws to conquer them. Or at least be aware and mitigate them.

Wise Man once said . Stupid is as Stupid does ...
Oh boy oh boy, do I!!

Used to think I was decently intelligent until I started working with actual “geniuses”, and realized exactly where I stand on that ladder.
If you are introspective, but not very intelligent, it absolutely sucks lol.

Only smart enough to know that I don’t know shit, but not dumb enough for that blissful ignorance. Fucking sucks
Can't grow without self reflection. We are what made us (life experiences) and sometimes we have to understand our flaws to conquer them. Or at least be aware and mitigate them.


Realizing your strengths and weakness is key to having a decent life. You focus on your strengths, and how they can propel you forward in life. The rest you drop, unless you have time to work on them when you are not working on using those strengths to your advantage.
Yeah, I think most people do. If you didn't then it pretty much makes you a sociopath and qualified to sit on the board of directors for some mega corporation.
I'm not calling you stupid btw. You're calling yourself stupid.

Think about your past, and how at some point in your life you thought you were pretty smart. You had opinions, beliefs, etc. then a number of years go by and you look back at your old self and say, "Man what a fucking idiot I was."

Because today, you know so much more than you used to, right?

So, many years from now you're going to look back at how you were in 2024 and say, "Wow I was an idiot back then."

Again, your words, not mine. In the future.
Excessive alcohol consumption. Waste of time, money and good health.

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