Media Dustin Poirier on why he took the BSD fight: “I’m 35 years old now … Let’s see if I still got it”

Do you think Dustin Poirier still got it?

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Will always root for Dustin, a great guy and ferocious fighter. Deserves all the respect.
Poirier is a badass. Him taking this fight shows you hes a badass. telling you he wants to test himself against an up and coming lion to see if the juice is still worth the squeeze for him. knowing what its like to come up and need named fights when youre good.

Poirier is a solid dude. done well in most of his underdog situations. lol duck.
Dustin and JG fought when Dustin was in his prime, and he stopped Justin. Now Dustin is a 35 year old with shot hips who has been largely inactive for years. He is an experienced veteran but out of his prime and no I do not consider that an elite win now.

Tony was certainly Justin's career signature win at the time. Tony has lost 7 fights consecutively since, and in retrospect we can see how badly he was getting chopped up since coming back from knee surgery. You can't rewrite history but if you know the context it makes more sense.

JG got 2 title shots in 3 fights - that was absurd. He 'earned' his second title shot by beating Chandler, 1-1 in the UFC, coming off a loss.

You can hand wave all you want but that is most definitely rank squatting.

Gaethje gave Khabib arguably his most competitive fight in Khabib’s UFC tenure.

Gaethje vs Charles is one of the more exciting 1 round fights in MMA History (every bit up there with a Diaz v Daley). Sherdog just happens to sh*t on Gaethje hard for that loss.

Gaethje vs Poirier & Gaethje vs Chandler & Gaethje vs Alvarez are all FoTY caliber matches.

Gaethje arguably steam rolled over everyone else (I felt Michael Johnson gave him problems), and his beating of Ferguson was career altering.

You obviously won’t appreciate Gaethje until he’s gone or you never will aka a hater.
Warrior response. I think Dustin will retire or only face older guys if he loses. If he wins, it will give him confidence to keep going.
Poirier and Gaethje got all the shit in the world for being 'ducks' and 'rank squatters' yet still ended up giving both BSD and Fiziev their opportunities to legitimize themselves to the casuals and jump up in the rankings. This should happen more often, in every division.
155 is a tough division if wrestling is your biggest weakness -- I think that just goes to show, however, how good Poirier is. He has been outwrestled several times but usually seems to find ways to win by outlasting his opponents. It's kinda funny how much more durable he got once moving to 155. At 145, I recall him being known for being a little chinny, but at 155, he has been in plenty of barn burners and come out victorious. I don't see him regaining the belt, but I do feel he has some good fights left in him.
Gaethje gave Khabib arguably his most competitive fight in Khabib’s UFC tenure.

Khabib went to decisions with half a dozen other guys. Justin was tapped out in under two rounds - he literally couldn't survive two rounds.

Poirier locked him in a tight guillotine - he actually threatened him with a finish, actual real danger.

It is fantasy to say JG was most competitive. Justin absolutely sucks at grappling and was tapped in both of his title shots. You will get to watch him get submitted in a third title fight if he gets one with Islam.

Gaethje vs Charles is one of the more exciting 1 round fights in MMA History (every bit up there with a Diaz v Daley). Sherdog just happens to sh*t on Gaethje hard for that loss.

JG was knocked out or submitted almost as a rule against elite competition. Alvarez, Poirier, Khabib, Charles.

If you let him fight middling guys like Chandler, who has a loosing UFC record, or old Cowboy/Ferguson, he will look good.

Gaethje vs Poirier & Gaethje vs Chandler & Gaethje vs Alvarez are all FoTY caliber matches.

Chandler doesn't even belong in the conversation. He has a loosing UFC record and his big win was - I shit you not - Dan Hooker.
yessir! A real banger


Plus... high stakes for me and @Poirierfan


It can't come soon enough. I can't take the stress lol.
Dude, to tell you the truth I'll be shitting cement blocks. Just knowing that Dustin lost his last fight, I don't want him to lose consecutively. Reading Sherdog would be like an eye sore with the "Dustin was never any good" posts. 😞, me and you are cool though, if you win you can rub that shit in all you want, I know I will. 😁
Dude, to tell you the truth I'll be shitting cement blocks. Just knowing that Dustin lost his last fight, I don't want him to lose consecutively. Reading Sherdog would be like an eye sore with the "Dustin was never any good" posts. 😞, me and you are cool though, if you win you can rub that shit in all you want, I know I will. 😁
Word, it brings more to the party, so to speak, of an already exciting match up - it'll be fun lol. And yes, to the victor be the spoils in the cage and here on our sig n AVs lol, so we get to be extra nervous 👹haha


It's only a month away now which is ok I guess, can't wait. I had been thinking it'd be a main event, 5 rounds - but just saw when checking the date that it's not, so I am guessing only three rounds? I would have preferred 5, even tho that'd probably benefit Dustin more.

Either way a good guy'll win, but you are right and I hadn't thought of that - about how fucked Sherdoggers will be if Dustin loses. That'd suck. And they (well, some) a pretty shit take on him already. There was a thread not too long ago about whether he will get to be in the HOF or not, and I was shocked that people were saying no.

Edit: Just checked out the whole card - it's gonna be fucking epic.
I mean if you're asking whether you have it, you're probably at that stage. Dustin has been hinting at walking away for awhile.
Word, it brings more to the party, so to speak, of an already exciting match up - it'll be fun lol. And yes, to the victor be the spoils in the cage and here on our sig n AVs lol, so we get to be extra nervous 👹haha


It's only a month away now which is ok I guess, can't wait. I had been thinking it'd be a main event, 5 rounds - but just saw when checking the date that it's not, so I am guessing only three rounds? I would have preferred 5, even tho that'd probably benefit Dustin more.

Either way a good guy'll win, but you are right and I hadn't thought of that - about how fucked Sherdoggers will be if Dustin loses. That'd suck. And they (well, some) a pretty shit take on him already. There was a thread not too long ago about whether he will get to be in the HOF or not, and I was shocked that people were saying no.

Edit: Just checked out the whole card - it's gonna be fucking epic.
Yes, it's a damn good card. We deserve it with all the shitty cards these days.

And fuck me running, I thought it was gonna be 5 rds too. That would have definitely benefited Poirier given the Frenchman's lack of experience in that area, oh well.
Gaethje didn't initially give Fiziev the shot because he was coming off of surgery. It was on the table for him but he was hurt. Poirier could easily look for a bigger name fight than agree to face BDS. But sure, if you say so...
Another garbage take, gj
@Blanqa Blanqua, I got stopped by a cop while trying to edit my last reply to you. Lol, I was swerving in slow traffic. I even showed him the post that I edited so he'd believe me. Lol
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Once you tell ‘em its because of Sherdog business they know to cut you some slack lol

He probably said ‘just make you you really punish him if you win. Bettin against our boy Dustin ain’t ok’ haha

But now you got me wondering what the edit was lol 🤔
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God of War is going to rip his head off. Poirier will be exposed, he was never that good. He only looked good because he cherry picked other elderly fighters and avoided grapplers. He's going to be taken to school.

He'll look completely clueless, like in the Khabib fight. He got choked out becuase he looked up to his corner to ask for advice when Khabib was on his back. that was sooooooo bad, i mean that's borderline "hello japan" bad.

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