dual sense edge vs razor wolverine v2 pro


bondage belt
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
I am in the market for an elite controller and I'm unsure which way to go. both controllers are the same price, but I would like to know from others who are in the know or have experience with one or both ,and can enlighten me on which is better.
Can't compare the two myself but can't say enough good things about the Edge.

From build quality and stick modularity to device volume, it's been an upgrade ATB in addition to alleviating my hand strain on longer sessions. It's made it hard to use anything else, TBH. I go back to my vanilla DualSense sometimes and feel like I stepped into a DeLorean with Doc Brown.

My one knock would be you need charge it after use (re: battery life) so you need make a habit after playing for some hours, to dock it first and then go about your biz. No big really.

Great controller. Strongly recommend.
I had a Razed controller maybe like five years ago. I remember the design was decent but I also remember having some announced with it like the controller losing connection sometimes during gameplay or something. I don’t remember what the controller version was anymore so maybe this isn’t very helpful.

Of the two today I would probably still go with the Razer just because I prefer Xbox style of offset sticks to the PS5 style. If that doesn’t bother you at all though then no doubt the Sony controller will be higher quality with better quality control. What system are you trying to buy for? Do you have a style preference?