International DRC army says it stopped attempted coup involving three US citizens


Professional Wrestler
Jan 17, 2010
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Coup leader killed and 50 people, including Americans, arrested after men reportedly attacked presidency in capital Kinshasa


The leader of an attempted coup on Sunday in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been killed and about 50 people including three American citizens arrested, a spokesperson for the central African country’s army told Reuters.

Gunfire rang out around 4am in the capital Kinshasa, a Reuters reporter said. Armed men attacked the presidency in the city centre, according to spokesperson Sylvain Ekenge.

Another attack took place at the nearby home of Vital Kamerhe, a member of parliament who is tipped to become speaker, Kamerhe’s spokesperson, Michel Moto Muhima, and the Japanese ambassador said in posts on Twitter/X.


Moto Muhima said two guards and an attacker had been killed in that incident. Ekenge also said one attacker was killed there.

A shell fired from Kinshasa hit the city of Brazzaville in neighbouring Republic of Congo, injuring several people, that country’s government said in a statement, adding that one person had been hospitalised.

Ekenge named Christian Malanga, a US-based Congolese politician, as the leader of the attempted coup.

“Malanga was definitively neutralised during the attack on the Palais de la Nation, a certain Aboubacar was neutralised during the attack on the residence of Vital Kamarhe the others – around 50 including three American citizens – were arrested and are currently undergoing interrogation by the specialised services of the armed forces,” Ekenge told Reuters.


He said Malanga first attempted and aborted a coup in 2017 and that one of the American citizens arrested was Malanga’s son.
A Facebook page appearing to belong to Malanga posted a livestreamed video of what appeared to be the attack.

“We, the militants, are tired. We cannot drag on with [President Félix] Tshisekedi and Kamerhe, they have done too many stupid things in this country,” Malanga said in Lingala in the video, which has not been independently verified by Reuters.
The US ambassador, Lucy Tamlyn, said in a post on social media that she was “very concerned” by reports that US citizens had allegedly been involved in the events.

“Please be assured that we will cooperate with the DRC authorities to the fullest extent as they investigate these criminal acts and hold accountable any US citizen involved in criminal acts,” she said.

The US embassy had earlier issued a security alert warning of “ongoing activity by DRC security elements” and reports of gunfire in the area.

The United Nations’ stabilisation mission in the DRC said that its chief, Bintou Keita, condemned the incidents in the strongest terms and offered her support to the Congolese authorities in a post on X.

Tshisekedi was re-elected for a second term as president in December, but has yet to name a government, six weeks after appointing a prime minister.

Kamerhe was a candidate for speaker of parliament in an election that had been scheduled for Saturday but was delayed by Tshisekedi.
Deep LB, let's see if this isn't MSM covered up now...

DAMN, hope Sean wasn't one of them 3 guys, we need that Strickland/Costa fight!​
Nothingburger story about a crap hole in the armpit of earth that manages to get engagement by half interested doomscrollers because some dual-citizen Congolese are involved.
I can see a few Americans being so desperate and strapped for cash that they decided to jump on this stupid opportunity. Hope they don't make it back to the US.
I can see a few Americans being so desperate and strapped for cash that they decided to jump on this stupid opportunity. Hope they don't make it back to the US.
- Some PMC's tring to get experience?
That's not how you do coups these days.
first you have to have NGOs.
Let me guess they came from Fascist Florida?
Dude was a car sales man from Utah
born in Congo but lived in US for years.
His son was with him and he is born in US and has an American mother.
There was also some white dudes among them.


The son again on the left and one of the white dudes on the right

“Please be assured that we will cooperate with the DRC authorities to the fullest extent as they investigate these criminal acts and hold accountable any US citizen involved in criminal acts"

In what way will the US embassy cooperate in the investigation?

Probably by liaising with US law enforcement to get background information about the detained US citizens. If this guys have criminals records back in the US, the DRC will want to know.
Probably by liaising with US law enforcement to get background information about the detained US citizens. If this guys have criminals records back in the US, the DRC will want to know.
Is sharing such information a part of the bilateral agreement between the US and DRC?

Ambassador Tamlyn should be specific in these statements.
and what I guess is the 3:e American is this dude


the 2 dudes

That guy is currently in the pot business.

An industry that is 100% cash based.

Nothing fishy about this at all.