Donaire/Darchinyan rematch likely for Fall

This is a great matchup said nobody ever.
Vic has slipped a fair bit and Donaire is a much improved fighter since he beat Vic last time. Vic has a punchers chance at the very best.
They have to build him back up after getting exposed. Eh.
Huge Darchinyan fan but this is really a horrible match-up for him. He got exposed the first time they fought and since then he's been on a downward slope. I will of course root for him but I just don't see how it goes much different from their first match.
I'd be amazed if non Donaire guys aren't rooting for Vic and he clearly has the minerals, but this is not a good move outside of attempting to cash out.
:icon_lol: shit match up.
The comeback begins.
I'd rather see Donaire vs Audley.
He probably needs a warmup fight or two before he faces Rigo again.
exposed ? he just lost to a better fighter .

this word is so overused by boxing fans .

It's overused and incorrectly used, but Donaire's flaws were actually exposed by Rigondeaux. He had no answer for Rigo's hand speed or head movement, nor was he able to get any rhythm going and time him; it was as if Donaire thought that if he waited long enough Rigo would come forward in a fashion that suited him. And Rigo was the one fighting with intelligence, and whose aggression was effective.
And I don't see how fighting Darchinyan, much as I respect the dude, gets you ready for Rigs.
And I don't see how fighting Darchinyan, much as I respect the dude, gets you ready for Rigs.

It doesn't. It allows Donaire to rebuild his image as an exciting fighter, lets him and the HBO commentary team take some cheap shots at Rigo post-fight by further cultivating the myth that Rigo was running while Donaire threw more punches - Rigo actually threw and landed more - and Donaire can at some point move up to featherweight and claim that the fans don't want the rematch because Rigo is "boring," and totally ignore the fact he was outclassed by a simply better fighter.
And I don't see how fighting Darchinyan, much as I respect the dude, gets you ready for Rigs.

It's TRFC bro, that's why they brought Darchinyan over.
He must be sacrificed.
makes sense to go back to the fight that made him a bonafide star i suppose, ' the raging bull' will walk onto a left hook like last time and nonito will look like a killer again. Vic hasnt been the same since ronda taxed that ass!
P.S cant find on youtube but there is vid of donaire in the ring with a reporter where he is talking about analysis opponents etc. he talks about vic. He mimics him perfectly and seems to know his 'tells' inside out. I remember watching that and marveling at his ring IQ..... then i read he didnt even watch tape on Rigo. WTF!