Does anybody know how to book a pro mma debut fight?

I’m looking to get a friend of mine his first pro mma debut but I’m not sure how to get anybody from a promotion to talk too. Does anybody have any experience with this?

I tried contact us via a few promotions websites but haven’t gotten much of a response
probably depends on your region, even in my region, which was one of the hotter spots, there really wasn't that much going on. And then there's the politics of where guys will freeze you out if they feel like it or use you and abuse you if they feel like it. I never could handle all the politics and possessiveness of my gym owner so I just left it behind. But, guys do go into mma fights with no gym affiliation at all, they tend not to do all that well usually because they don't have the same resources of other decently trained fighters to work with. I knew that wasn't right for me either, but maybe I should have done it anyways.
Follow all your local promotions and MMA gyms on social media, they will be looking for random fighters to fill out upcoming cards

I used to help manage and promote on the local MMA scene and they would need last minute fighters for just about every single card

Has he fought amateur yet?
Is he licensed?
Are his medicals up to date?

These are 3 important questions that you are gonna need to provide proof of so you better be on top of that
makes sense, but I doubt they're all that stringent. If they need a body, they'll take a body. I knew a guy from my old MA school, real goofball toughguy type, the kind with not a lick of sense. Had no business fighting in MMA at any level, not just because he wasn't any good, he didn't have any guys around him who could help him improve, the Kung Fu guys around him weren't fighters at all. So, he went in as an independent and he lasted about a minute and that was his last fight. People always looking around in the fight world and then don't like what they find I swear to you.
Every time this sort of thing comes up I'm left with the overwhelming impression that the prospective fighter is not actually training at a real gym with other amateurs / pros.
that's what I think too. the guy I knew, the goofball, he didn't train at a gym for the primary reason he didn't have money, but he was so goofy upstairs, I don't think even an MMA gym, with all it's assorted personalities, would have let him hang around.
Quickest and easiest way to on your own is follow the local promotions on social media and you'll often find them looking to fill space whether it be for a weight class fight or for a late fill in and if you have the basics like medicals and all then theyll at the very least consider. Be careful with shady promoters though that may try to take advantage in one way or another.
That's his biggest in, they always do need a stiff to beat up on so it's a shot, not a good one for him. I think though, that Josh Barnett started in MMA that way, by beating pro from AMC and after he beat this pro, he was asked to join and he did. The pro was actually quite a capable guy, just had no luck in the sport, 0-2 record but was one of the best fighters I've ever known. It's a funny sport, luck, the breaks, a fighters mentality all come into play.