Do those of you that take vitamins notice that it helps diminish appetite and control binge eating?

Do those of you that take vitamins notice that it helps diminish appetite and control binge eating?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 10 90.9%

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What A Rush!!!
Jun 11, 2012
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I've never really taken vitamins on the regular, but I figured I'd start seeing as I'm in my 40's now. I've cleaned up my diet here and there in the past, and taken shit like protein and creatine when I would go to the gym, but never regular vitamins.

I take B,C,D, Pomegranate, Zinc, Calcium, potassium, Ginseng, and a Multivitamin. I also chase it down with a Metamucil (Psylium fiber) type drink. I'll miss some days here and there, but I notice that taking all of these vitamins helped me lose some weight. I went from about 220 to 180 over the course of the last 6 months without going to the gym, but staying somewhat active.

It's weird too as I don't have the urge to do any fat fuck night time snacking as much as I do when I don't take vitamins. I'm not sure if this is in my head, or that my body is getting nutrients it was lacking, so I don't feel the need to eat as much as I used to. It seems like eating whatever I want and making sure I get my nutrients and fiber through supplements is kind of the ticket for me. I was just wondering if any of you experienced this.
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Nope. Whether or not I am eating carbs is the biggest factor for excessive eating.

Alcohol used to have that effect too, but I don't drink much anymore.
The psyllium husk might be what's having the effect. It's full of soluble fiber that slows down digestion. You'd have to run the experiment only taking the psyllium to see if you still get the effect without the vitamins.
Yeah, I'd guess it's mostly from the Metamucil. Not sure why the vitamins themselves would be the more obvious difference as opposed to the thing with plenty of fiber that you're drinking with them. I would rule out the obvious thing first.
Not that I've noticed. Been taking B12 for years, take a multi and MSM/Glucosamine mix most days too. Weight has been about the same for roughly 15+ years (I'm in my upper 30s). My diet isn't perfect but I consume many pounds of fruit weekly and it's pretty clean. I generally eat till I'm about 70-75% full.
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For what ever reason multi vitamins make me feel famished and cold. I'll snack all day after taking a multivitamins. I'm not sure why that happens to me, but synthetic vitamins are only part nutrients and I have thought maybe this is why I become hungry. My body wants the other missing nutrients.

In the family I'm alone with this feeling. Other family members have been taking multi vitamins for years and feel fine.
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Why would you take metamucil directly after taking vitamins?
The comment about vitamin gummies making you want to eat more gummies is bang on. Kinda wished I never started them.

And yeah the only things that curbed my hunger and eating has been reducing or eliminating carbs and sugars. Adding more meat brings me more satiety.

Don't take your vitamin b tablets too close to bedtime. I found they can cause some sleeplessness or restless nights if I do.
One thing that diminishes my appetite and prevents binge eating is eating once a day, my metabolism adjusts to that rhythm in a couple days if I go back to eating more often.

And once I’m back to once a day meals even if I binge eat it’ all good.
I credit my supplementation (B,D, Milk Thistle, Fish Oil) for doing many things....Liver enzymes, less hangovers, overall general health and well-being. But not hunger control. For me it's a mindset....and this time of year is a fucking challenge as I am a lover of desserts.
If I’m doing anything healthy for myself it mentally makes eating like a fatty tougher for me mentally
I take a multivitamin, vitamins D3 & K2, and fish oil.

I haven't noticed any appetite reduction, but since starting the multivitamin my face has been nonstop flushed with my cheeks tingly and whatnot.

The multivitamin says to take 3 at a time, which comes to 500% recommended daily amount of niacin.

Started taking just 1 instead of the recommended 3 and my flushed face went away within a couple days.
Nah, I don't notice it affecting my appetite. I take vitamins when I get up in the morning, then I drink coffee around an hour later. Then I eat breakfast/lunch another hour or two after that.
It's probably the fiber causing the bloating.
" I also chase it down with a Metamucil (Psylium fiber) "

thats why.
Not the vitamins
I can’t say I can relate to that, but I’ve read that people who take multivitamins are more prone to being at a healthy weight.
I've never really taken vitamins on the regular, but I figured I'd start seeing as I'm in my 40's now. I've cleaned up my diet here and there in the past, and taken shit like protein and creatine when I would go to the gym, but never regular vitamins.

I take B,C,D, Pomegranate, Zinc, Calcium, potassium, Ginseng, and a Multivitamin. I also chase it down with a Metamucil (Psylium fiber) type drink. I'll miss some days here and there, but I notice that taking all of these vitamins helped me lose some weight. I went from about 220 to 180 over the course of the last 6 months without going to the gym, but staying somewhat active.

It's weird too as I don't have the urge to do any fat fuck night time snacking as much as I do when I don't take vitamins. I'm not sure if this is in my head, or that my body is getting nutrients it was lacking, so I don't feel the need to eat as much as I used to. It seems like eating whatever I want and making sure I get my nutrients and fiber through supplements is kind of the ticket for me. I was just wondering if any of you experienced this.
If you haven t really changedyour diet nor you sport habits, but merely started taking vitamins, then maybe 40 pounds in 6 months is bizarre. Do you feel otherwise healthy?