Did Smokes Not Make It Back After The Upgrade?

Hey guys, just want to let you know he's fine. We are having a child together so he quit alcohol and also Sherdog as the doctor said it may also be harmful to the baby. He's doing well and the baby is due on the 12th.

The doctor said to refrain from Sherdog and focus on the baby for at least 2 weeks after the birth. He's decided however he wants to wait at least 3 months before visiting as he doesn't want our baby to get a glimpse at the screen and get retardation.

Please leave us in peace at this time. He will be back when he feels ready.
I hope you know how to drive stick
His last post literally says "lsa ask your boyfriend Slobodan to ban me because I really don't need this"
So? I never once insulted the guy nor did I post in his thread before he made that comment.

He made a nonsensical thread, didn't like the replies he was getting from other posters, then made that post. Not my fault he's sensitive.
So? I never once insulted the guy nor did I post in his thread before he made that comment.

He made a nonsensical thread, didn't like the replies he was getting from other posters, then made that post. Not my fault he's sensitive.
Damn I guess you caught a stray. The man's temper knew no bounds.
He's hilarious in "30 Minutes Or Less"
Cool, he's in so many roles it's nuts! The one I saw recently didn't showcase his acting chops at all to the point I was thinking "wow, maybe this guy's actually a poor actor" but pretty sure it was the writing for his charcter Domingo Chavez in (the show) Jack Ryan
I liked Smokes, but I couldn't take him seriously. His previous account was more normal. It's weird how someone can change their personality with a new account.