Social Did Kristi Noem ruin her political future?

Do you agree with Kristi’s actions?

  • Yes, just goat though

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bubbles from trailer park boys? not sure, but i'm pretty sure he never shot any of his kitties in the face if they didn't obey his every command.

Bubbles the chimp.
The problem with your graph is that Trump repealed the Obama-era policy of reporting drone strike casualties, so we don't know how many Trump really initiated.
Yeah very strange I posted a other graph that looks more likely
the way you're crying about obama just to try to justify murdering innocent puppies, one would have to think that obama killed your puppy. did obama kill your puppy? or maybe trump did? you know people are saying that molestini cheetolini launched more drone strikes than obama, and zesto molesto was only in office for 4 years until the american voters kicked him to the gutter, but if i was really sincere in discussing these issues instead of just deflecting to try to defend a bunch of puppy-killers i would take my crying into the threads dedicated to obama or orange cosby's drone strikes.

the whataboutisms and mental gymnastics we have to put ourselves through to defend the murders of innocent puppies. how sad. i bet we wouldnt be doing the whole chuddy chuddy spinny spinny if this puppy killer worn a blue hat now would we?

this is full on Trump Derangement Syndrome. You keep bring up Trump despite him having nothing to do with the topic and then complaining to me that it is off topic. amazing stuff.
Boy, you can really tell who the city boy clowns are in this thread. Cry like little bitches over a dog getting put down, but will show up to vote for legal abortion. You Fkers know who you are, godamn clowns.
Shooting a dog that's killed chickens or is chasing cows IS actually part of rural existence.

Problem animals aren't tolerated by many farmers and ranchers.
Most people just give them away though
this is full on Trump Derangement Syndrome. You keep bring up Trump despite him having nothing to do with the topic and then complaining to me that it is off topic. amazing stuff.

you mean obama derangement syndrome. you cant make an argument, you cant refute my point. you can't handle any valid criticism towards an adjudicated fraudster and rapist. all you can do is stamp your feet and cry about obama in a pathetic attempt to deflect.

and for what it's worth that whole TDS thing of yours has went stale ever since that fraudster and rapist got pink socked in the election and then the maga trash threw a nuclear toddler tantrum at the capitol and then got hauled off to jail to own the libs. try harder and get some new material.

i mean look at all these soyboy maga snowflakes who melted the fuck down after their rapist messiah got destroyed in an election, all crying for their mommies in jail, balling their poor little eyes out in front of judges, taking their peaceful and orderly tours of the american justice system and earning themselves a felony criminal record and some time behind bars all because of their love for some rapist and fraudster who repeatedly lied to them and told them to give him their money. i mean all these people have fucked their lives up and shit, and enrique tarrio ain't gonna be released from prison until sometime around the year 2045 and all, and for the last 4 years all these people do is just sit around crying about obama, hunter's laptop, stolen election fantasies and election fraud fairy tales, and whatever it is that brandon is doing lately, but me, i'm sitting here in my non-fbi raided house, still unindicted and facing 0 felony charges, drinking myself some beers and watching a hockey game, doing just fine right now, and i haven't murdered any puppies either. so tell me who's deranged?

"kristi noem just killed her puppy. but forget about that. what about obama? and hunter's laptop? and the hindenberg? and what ever happened to the green power ranger? ya'll have TDS!"

thats nice skeeter. why don't you go ahead and tell us just what obama has to do with some trashy conservative killing her puppy? i'm curious to see where you're coming from because this is one of the most saddest whataboutism's i've seen in a while.
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She’s a POS from both stories. Non-negotiable and certainly not getting chalked up to farm life. This isn’t really some partisan thing either, she’s just objectively was a POS.
That's why I brought up @Ruprecht . The same people calling this woman a monster will ignore someone on their side being a dogs and cats serial killer.

This is a retarded take killing wild dogs isnt the same as killing a dog you raised because you dont like it and then brag about it
This is a retarded take killing wild dogs isnt the same as killing a dog you raised because you dont like it and then brag about it
She’s so brave for telling people about this. I think the play was it would become a headline and she can say look how disproportionate the outrage is and get partisans uniting around her. I can’t say it will work though. Most people just acknowledge it’s fucked up.
Boy, you can really tell who the city boy clowns are in this thread. Cry like little bitches over a dog getting put down, but will show up to vote for legal abortion. You Fkers know who you are, godamn clowns.
Normal country folk don’t go around bragging about culling a bad animal.

And if we do have to talk about it we don’t speak like we fucking enjoyed it.

That’s where the disconnect is.

She talking like she enjoyed doing the shit.

a point of pride. Like she couldn’t wait to take the life from something that made her mad.
Normal country folk don’t go around bragging about culling a bad animal.

And if we do have to talk about it we don’t speak like we fucking enjoyed it.

That’s where the disconnect is.

She talking like she enjoyed doing the shit.

a point of pride. Like she couldn’t wait to take the life from something that made her mad.
I've definitely encountered country folk in my life that bragged about killing things just for pissing them off, and they have been unpleasant across the board
Most people just give them away though
Depends on the situation. A stray that just shows up? Sure, most would try to find it a home.

A dog busted chasing or killing farm animals? That thing isn't long for this world in most cases.
Pretending this is just rural/ city differences is partisanship brain rot. I grew up in rural, been on plenty of farms during it. This isn’t normal behavior. No one was like let’s shoot that goat cause it smells except, you know, some POS people but everyone knew they were that. But unfortunately this lady has an R after her name so we can’t just say, hey, that was pretty shitty.
I was waiting for people to somehow try to make this about Trump. did not take long. my questions remains - how many puppies do you think Obama killed in drone strikes?
You are literally talking about Obama
I want to see if Rogan shills about this. I don’t think he will. He’s talked about his dog getting chickens and nothing close to a thought of, “yea, so I shot it dead” right after.

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