D'arce vs. Anaconda vs. Barbo vs. "Ninja" choke


Black Belt
Nov 15, 2009
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Trying to clear up the difference between all these.

So my understanding is that a D'arce choke and an Anaconda choke are the same thing EXCEPT in a D'arce the choking arm threads under your opponents first before going across the neck, and the Anaconda is the opposite, neck first then arm.

A barbo choke is just a different name for a D'arce?
And a Ninja choke is like a no arm D'arce?

Whats the difference?
Trying to clear up the difference between all these.

So my understanding is that a D'arce choke and an Anaconda choke are the same thing EXCEPT in a D'arce the choking arm threads under your opponents first before going across the neck, and the Anaconda is the opposite, neck first then arm.

A barbo choke is just a different name for a D'arce?
And a Ninja choke is like a no arm D'arce?

Whats the difference?

Your understanding of the darce and anaconda are correct.

The brabo and the darce are the same. There is a gi choke called the brabo, so often people will say darce for the no-gi version, and brabo for the gi version, but for the no-gi version you can use darce or brabo. Either is fine.

I have no idea what the hell a ninja choke is. I know that technically there's no such thing as a no arm darce/brabo. That would defeat the entire purpose. That's like saying a no arm arm triangle.

If there's no arm in the choke it's probably a guillotine variation. Do you have a video/picture of the ninja choke?
This what I got on youtube for Ninja choke: I can SEE why someone would describe it as a "no-arm Darce/Brabo choke" but to me it's just a guillotine variation that involves a Mata Leao/Rear Naked Choke grip. I mean call it whatever you want though. If it helps you remember it, there's no problem. A friend of mine used to call the N/S Kimura the Alabama Crab Dangle.

Your understanding of the darce and anaconda are correct.

The brabo and the darce are the same. There is a gi choke called the brabo, so often people will say darce for the no-gi version, and brabo for the gi version, but for the no-gi version you can use darce or brabo. Either is fine.

I have no idea what the hell a ninja choke is. I know that technically there's no such thing as a no arm darce/brabo. That would defeat the entire purpose. That's like saying a no arm arm triangle.

If there's no arm in the choke it's probably a guillotine variation. Do you have a video/picture of the ninja choke?

Budovideos.com - Mastering the Ninja Choke DVD by Shuichiro Katsumura

Edit: I am somewhat uninformed on the no-arm darce or whatever you want to call it, I have seen some use of it in the Fading to Black DVD where it's called the "coma choke." I am a smaller guy and I'm just not sure how useful that choke would be from closed guard for me. I do think it's a little bit unorthodox and sneakier than the guillotine so I might play around with it when I work on some marce drilling tonight.
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Cool! The pictures I think do a good job illustrating that it's a guillotine variation. I've never really tried locking these types of RNC grip guillotines from the front and side like this. Looks cool.




ive wondered the same for some time but too lazy to start the thread. Thanks for the info
To me all of them are just arm triangles from different directions ...
Save ninja

one in one out
D'arce/Brabo or Anaconda.. A Ninja choke is just the same arm positioning without an arm in. Some guys call it a power guillotine. When I learned it, it was just another version of the guillotine. I was taught to transition into it when the arm-in guillotine is getting defensed by the guy pulling back and tight with the trapped arm.
The Ninja choke is really just a "power guillotine", with your hand on your bicep. But your ideas of the anaconda and brabo/darce are correct
The 'ninja' choke isn't just a guillotine variation because of the grip, but because the head is on the opposite side of the body (like with a brabo). I've seen people do 'power' guillotines locking up a RNC grip with the head under the armpit of the choking arm - this choke is different.
i don't think a ninja choke is 'just' a power guillotine. it's closer to a darce because your choking arm is supinated rather than pronated like it would be with a guillotine.

although of course it's closer to a guillotine than a darce because there's no arm.
This what I got on youtube for Ninja choke: I can SEE why someone would describe it as a "no-arm Darce/Brabo choke" but to me it's just a guillotine variation that involves a Mata Leao/Rear Naked Choke grip. I mean call it whatever you want though. If it helps you remember it, there's no problem. A friend of mine used to call the N/S Kimura the Alabama Crab Dangle.

Oooh... nice finish..
Bill Cooper posted recently a video of him showing a "Shaolin" choke, which is a D'arce when the guy has a deep pummel, and you basically drop to your back as you finish the choke. It looks like an alternative to when you cant finish the guy with a darce because his pummel so so strong.
Bill Cooper posted recently a video of him showing a "Shaolin" choke, which is a D'arce when the guy has a deep pummel, and you basically drop to your back as you finish the choke. It looks like an alternative to when you cant finish the guy with a darce because his pummel so so strong.

Where does one find said video?
Bill Cooper posted recently a video of him showing a "Shaolin" choke, which is a D'arce when the guy has a deep pummel, and you basically drop to your back as you finish the choke. It looks like an alternative to when you cant finish the guy with a darce because his pummel so so strong.

The Shaolin is the same as the Darce/Brabo. That's just what Bill calls it. He's been calling it that since at least 2007. At the 07 No-Gi Worlds, after the fights, in an interview, he said, "I got two Shaolin chokes, some people call it a Darce."

On Cooper's new DVD the Darce chokes are listed as Shaolin chokes. That's just what he calls it. He calls it the Shaolin on the Glover's Travels Paragon Episode. It's absolutely not a different choke. Darce/Brabo/Shaolin are all the same thing. Hell, throw the Marce in there. The Marce is just when they're turtled and you go straight to the RNC grip and clock in on your side to finish.

The term "Shaolin" comes from this: Vitor Shaolin was the first guy to show the choke to Marc Laimon, and Laimon showed it to Jeff Glover, Bill Cooper, etc. When Laimon first learned it from top-half-guard like this, he couldn't get it to work. Later on, he learned it a different way from Jo D'Arce, who learned it from John Danaher, and that's when he got it to work for him.
Where does one find said video?

I saw it on facebook. What he does it wait with his leg trapped in the half guard. He doesn't try to force the choke. The point was to be patient and not rush the choke. He did a baseball slide/Marce finish, where you get on your side and clock your hips into them.

@irc, you can finish the darce/brabo choke from top-half, side control, north/south, baseball slide/marce, the full mount, the closed guard, a ton of different positions. Your finishing position doesn't change the choke or its name.

Regardless of how you finish it, what Bill showed it a darce/brabo/shaolin/inverted arm triangle choke. Whatever you want to call it. As for the finishes, I find the best 3 finishes to be from the mount, the slide, and from side control.
I saw it on facebook. What he does it wait with his leg trapped in the half guard. He doesn't try to force the choke. The point was to be patient and not rush the choke. He did a baseball slide/Marce finish, where you get on your side and clock your hips into them.

@irc, you can finish the darce/brabo choke from top-half, side control, north/south, baseball slide/marce, the full mount, the closed guard, a ton of different positions. Your finishing position doesn't change the choke or its name.

Regardless of how you finish it, what Bill showed it a darce/brabo/shaolin/inverted arm triangle choke. Whatever you want to call it. As for the finishes, I find the best 3 finishes to be from the mount, the slide, and from side control.

Yeah, it was the video on Facebook I saw, too. I was watching and getting confounded as to why he kep calling it that, when it is clearly a darce, and just kinda concluded that's what he called it with the deep pummel. So what you're saying makes sense, it was just the way he showed it. Dude should just call it a darce with all the names already flying around already confusing people.
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