Dana White stands by his harsh criticism of fighters after a poor performance


"My style is kneeing people in the face."
Nov 8, 2015
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UFC president Dana White will never apologize for giving his unabashed opinion of a fight or a fighter on any given night.

That’s the message he passed along just recently when asked about his harsh criticism of the athletes on his roster who have had less than stellar performances throughout the history of the UFC.

White has never shied away from absolutely unloading on fighters who don’t have a good night at the office. From former middleweight champion Anderson Silva to current welterweight king Tyron Woodley, White doesn’t bite his tongue when giving his opinion on a poor outing if that’s what he just witnessed.

In the past, White has been criticized for some of the things he’s said, especially considering as a promoter his job is to build up the fighters in the UFC so fans will want to see them fight.

White prefers to think of his assessment of bad performances as just being brutally honest with both the fighters and the viewers who watch the UFC.

“Well guess what? This isn’t the fun business. You don’t get to go out and put on a terrible performance and act like you just did something incredible,” White said when speaking with FOX News recently.

“The guys that I went after and the guys that I did that to, if you watched their performances and what happened that night, most of them deserved it.”

Of course as tough as White has been on some bad performances, he’s more than happy to rave about a great fight or an outstanding card as well.

Still, White doesn’t plan on stopping his habit of calling out a bad fight when it happens, no matter who’s involved or how much it might irritate the people he’s talking about.

UFC president Dana White will never apologize for giving his unabashed opinion of a fight or a fighter on any given night.

That’s the message he passed along just recently when asked about his harsh criticism of the athletes on his roster who have had less than stellar performances throughout the history of the UFC.

White has never shied away from absolutely unloading on fighters who don’t have a good night at the office. From former middleweight champion Anderson Silva to current welterweight king Tyron Woodley, White doesn’t bite his tongue when giving his opinion on a poor outing if that’s what he just witnessed.

In the past, White has been criticized for some of the things he’s said, especially considering as a promoter his job is to build up the fighters in the UFC so fans will want to see them fight.

White prefers to think of his assessment of bad performances as just being brutally honest with both the fighters and the viewers who watch the UFC.

“Well guess what? This isn’t the fun business. You don’t get to go out and put on a terrible performance and act like you just did something incredible,” White said when speaking with FOX News recently.

“The guys that I went after and the guys that I did that to, if you watched their performances and what happened that night, most of them deserved it.”

Of course as tough as White has been on some bad performances, he’s more than happy to rave about a great fight or an outstanding card as well.

Still, White doesn’t plan on stopping his habit of calling out a bad fight when it happens, no matter who’s involved or how much it might irritate the people he’s talking about.

Sociopaths will be sociopaths. Not newsworthy at all.
Criticism? Dana is trying to motivate boring fighters like GSP to actually be entertaining
I see no problem with criticism as long as it does not get personal.

So criticizing a fighter for a bad performance is perfectly fine. But lashing out the way he has done sometimes is too much. It's unprofessional.

A bad performance can have a vaild reason too like with Lewis who had serious issues with his back against Ngannou.

Ngannou has no excuse. But Dana straight up buried him in public. Not cool imo.

Also not a reason for an outrage though. Dana is just a dick.
There's never gonna be another Dana White, even his position is gonna get "corporate-tized" after he's done just like our commentary etc. Enjoy him while he's still there. Once Rogan is done, Im done listening to boring Brian Stann commentary.
wow, quite aggressive on the title buddy
Ease up on the caps, homie, no need to shout.
good. they need to be told to finish a job and stop coasting for points. Most fights are stale AF now
Dana is what happens when you give an Incel a little bit of power.

Seeing his older pictures life couldn't have been great growing up.
Is Dana perfect? Not even close. But is he a far better choice than PC corporate shills? You bet your motherfucking ass he is! War crimson goof! We need to bring back prime Loretta Hunt Dana, GOAT promoter!

Promoter of billion dollar fight company expects fighters to put on fights that further the profits of said billion dollar fight company. Mindblowing..
Is Dana perfect? Not even close. But is he a far better choice than PC corporate shills? You bet your motherfucking ass he is! War crimson goof! We need to bring back Loretta hunt Dana

bitter mma media has been saying for a long time now that they're going to bury Dana in his skeletons once the sport gets on a bigger platform but he has outlasted it all... Pride, Strikefarce, Fox deal, WME and now ESPN

he's so much better than some cuck who gives the same cookie cutter answers no matter what
bitter mma media has been saying for a long time now that they're going to bury Dana in his skeletons once the sport gets on a bigger platform but he has outlasted it all... Pride, Strikefarce, Fox deal, WME and now ESPN

he's so much better than some cuck who gives the same cookie cutter answers no matter what

The thing with Dana is that while he is a dick, he is upfront about it.
bitter mma media has been saying for a long time now that they're going to bury Dana in his skeletons once the sport gets on a bigger platform but he has outlasted it all... Pride, Strikefarce, Fox deal, WME and now ESPN

he's so much better than some cuck who gives the same cookie cutter answers no matter what

Peeps have been saying Dana's ego will ruin the sport/stop it from getting mainstream for how many years? Yet the sport with Dana at its helm keeps going strong.

The contrast between his reception vs. Showtime suits at the May Mac presser says it all. Dana is the people's promoter!
This would be fine if Dana didn't react like a little girl anytime he gets criticized