Dana White: ‘I believe Jon Jones Is Innocent’

Of course he is. He's number one.

Number ones are never in the wrong.
I don't believe a fucking word Dana White says so him saying he believes a habitual criminal and rule breaker/drug taker is embarrassingly unbelievable.
This is just a lot of words with no direction or context. The spelling is on point, but salt has totally messed up your grammar.
A lying sociopath believes another lying sociopath?

Who cares?

There's only 3 contenders to that belt now (RIP Glover) and even then, it doesn't seem particularly competitive.
The fact that Rumble is being made to wait for Jones now, especially given the fact that officially Jones is still staring down the barrel of a two year suspension just goes to show how little this division has to offer.

Making Rumble wait for Jones just answers the only remaining question and the only good outcome they can hope for is Jones losing, because if Jones wins, then the hierarchy is absolute with: Jones #1, Cormier #2, Rumble #3 and then who gives a shit? Gusto has lost to all of them, same with Bader and Glover.

These guys are big enough they can go up to Heavyweight if need be, so they should be going the Conor route and seeking out fun fights for money instead of waiting around to see if Jones' charges stick or to get a fight with him only to have it cancelled because he got arrested again or pissed hot or whatever.

Jones fighting Rumble only extends the inevitable rematch-fest LHW is about to turn into.
I'll translate for you :

Dana white : " I know jon jones is guilty and he's a cheat but he's a f****** cash cow and i can milk it on rematches with dc and gustafsson. Yes i'm a greedy lier."

I speak dana fluently. You welcome.
These tainted supplements excuses has to be wearing thin on the commission. Why wouldn't you just scour the world and find supplements with violation in it and then take those particular steroids? Hell I bet in third world you could have them make the tainted supplement any way you want it for right price. Then when commission comes calling you just say I got some Afghanistan Cialis. And have a built in excuse.
Dana white: "I will say and do anything possible to bring my other star back since conor keeps wanting more money and tubby honda just wants more pepwidge fahm"
So White has changed his stance to "I believe he is innocent"?

Doesn't sound quite as confident as before.
ITT haters are mad that they were wrong. GOAT is innocent, still GOAT.
of course he does, hes the best fighter on his roster
Ufc 205 aint gonna main event itself...