Curious as to what kind of schedule you guys do weekly with lifting and BJJ

The White Mamba

"Cold Stone Steve Austin" - Mike Goldberg
Sep 11, 2010
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I've been doing jiu-jitsu for about a year now and recently got back into lifting. I've never been big into lifting but I'm enjoying it at the moment. Right now I'm doing 2 days of jiu-jitsu and 2 days of lifting a week. I'm not necessarily trying to get like super jacked with the lifting but more so to stay in shape and lean (I'm a skinny person overall). Curious to hear what sort of schedule you guys follow. Should I up the number of lifting days a bit?
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I do 5 days BJJ and 3 lifting (2 days I do both) and take one day off.

I’m doing the starting strength program, which seems to do a good job of building strength through the use of basic functional exercises (squats, deadlifts, presses, cleans)

I need to figure out how to work flexibility in, but this takes up all of my free time

Note that I have only been doing BJJ for 6 months at this point, so I’m not an expert compared to many others here - this just seems to work for me
Stretch after you lift or roll? Stretching after I lift has helped a lot with soreness and ROM.

I have trouble juggling it all tbh. Before BJJ I ran intense lifting programs like GVT or Candito... once I got more serious about grappling I was just too sore to keep that up. Right now I lift 2 days fairly low volume, BJJ 5 or 6 days, and run before BJJ for more conditioning and then stretch right before and/or after class. But I fully admit to having very little life outside work and gym.
Lift on Sundays and Thursday’s. I do BJJ whenever I can but due to work it usually only ends up being 2-3 times a week. I’ll also run with my dog like 3 times a week.
I view lifting as PT, basically. I train 3-5 times a week and try to lift 2-3 times. It's pretty much all my free time...
2-3 times a week for BJJ, three times a week of lifting for about 30 minutes during my lunch break. Cardio for 30 minutes 3 times a week before work. I stretch wherever I can fit it in.
At the moment 5-6 days a week of bjj doing back to back classes in the evening. 5-6 days a week of lifting and 4 runs a week of anywhere between 1-3 miles. I love every second of it and wish I could do it as a job.
Currently doing :
Bjj M W F
Gym - mostly kettle bells T and Sat
Tennis for on the off days
Depends on if I'm trying to get my weight down or get stronger. Right now I'm dropping weight, so I'm doing the following training schedule:

  • Monday: Squats and interval runs AM, 2 sessions of Muay Thai PM
  • Tuesday: Bench and long run AM, gi rolling midday
  • Wednesday: nogi AM, Muay Thai midday
  • Thursday: Deadlift and interval runs AM, Muay Thai conditioning and sparring PM
  • Friday: Sport specific lifting and long run AM, nogi rolling midday
  • Saturday: maybe bag work and running, or something light like elliptical
If I was not prepping for any sort of competition, I wouldn't run at all (I loathe running), and I'd be lifting more often in the mornings. Right now my lifting is just to maintain strength while getting down in weight, I'm not expecting to get much stronger with only one session each week on the big lifts.