Craziest person you ever dated/banged

some of you must be a bit nuts yourself to attract these kinds of women. I attract a certain type of wierdo too, but nothing like this shit.

You need to try harder, you don't get a t-shirt until you've at least got a chick to slash your car tires.
Man this thread has been entertaining.

Some of these stories are fucking bonkers.
Good work Sherbros!
You need to try harder, you don't get a t-shirt until you've at least got a chick to slash your car tires.
no thanks, I've seen enough crazy, nothing like some of you people though. After a point, WE and that means me too, have to look at ourselves to try to understand why we end up with wierdos. In my case, I think I'm attracted to women who'll reject me because my mom did, in some of you other guys cases, who the fuck knows. Maybe mommy slashed your tricycle tires or breast fed you to long, that's not for me to figure out.
no thanks, I've seen enough crazy, nothing like some of you people though. After a point, WE and that means me too, have to look at ourselves to try to understand why we end up with wierdos. In my case, I think I'm attracted to women who'll reject me because my mom did, in some of you other guys cases, who the fuck knows. Maybe mommy slashed your tricycle tires or breast fed you to long, that's not for me to figure out.

Hahaha at you thinking their isn't piece of shit people out there capable of pulling the wool over your eyes..... And pretending to be something they are not.....there's plenty of one trick ponies out there and someone of them are very good at that one trick.
Hahaha at you thinking their isn't piece of shit people out there capable of pulling the wool over your eyes..... And pretending to be something they are not.....there's plenty of one trick ponies out there and someone of them are very good at that one trick.
Indeed there are, unless your stupid though, you just get better at discernment with age. I'm paranoid, not merely suspicious, I don't trust women, probably mainly because of my mom but also the things they've pulled on me. WE do all have our issues but never did I end up with tires slashed. Known some friends to put up with ridiculous shit like that though, not me, which is possibly one reason women get away from me so fast, I don't let them play those types of games.
I dated a very well known Danish model (back then at least) in the early 90s. We saw eachother several times while I was bartending near her modeling agency in NYC (near NYU). I found out later this woman had dated rock stars. She was just comfortable with me, no makeup, would dress like a tomboy. Almost nerdy, really tall and thin. Glasses. Still beautiful. This woman got off from kissing...she could cum from deep tongue kissing. We made out after a shift and she came right there. She shook and quivered so hard I thought it was a joke. That lead to a fling. She would suck my tongue but not my D lol. She wouldn't let me do much, she took charge. She would ride and kiss me, finish, roll over and smoke and cry. Always had tears....I was young and confused as hell, but a nut is a nut. She took me to one party, we kissed on a balcony, she gets off, and tells me she is going to Israel the next day with tears in her eyes. I was not sure if she was crying because of the orgasm or because she was leaving me. I never saw her again. Just an Odd but wonderful experience. Bartending was such a gift in my life.
Bro, if you didn't want to name her, you shouldn't have said she was Danish. Anyone can figure out it was Helena Christensen. Nice Job. Much Respect.
Never really had a crazy girlfriend. Other than my Iraqi Arab ex gf back in 2014... In fact she wasn't crazy. Just a rude delusional bitch. Was with her for 7 months. Looking back on it, if it wasn't for her interesting stories about Bagdad 2003 - 2009 I would have left her after the 2 month mark.
You can't rape the willing
Yes, you absolutely can. I didn’t want to do it I only complied because I wanted her to leave.

But I’m a man and I know pursuing rape charges like a scorned woman would do is complete bullshit.

And she would have done it had the roles been reversed because our “breakup” did not go well at all.
I banged a chick like this once and yea she raped me also. I wanted to go and get high with my friends but she handcuffed me to the bed when I was texting them back and not paying attention. I was so pissed and telling her to stop but also hard as a rock. My only weapon was to not hold myself back at alol and bust in one minute. She was pissed and I got high with my friends.
Last line proves my above point.
After my first divorce back in 08', used okcupid (back when it was free and decent) and got a message from a philipino girl who was 14 years older (but didn't look it at all) lived like 3 miles away, and figured what the hell. It was pretty fun at first (she came family money so didn't work, and I was waiting for my new job's training class to start so all we did was hang out and bang.)

Coming from a marriage that sex was used as a commodity it was quite a refreshing change, although she was insatiable and it got to the point I had to sleep on my stomach or she'd "wake me up".

First red flag was when we went to the Scottsdale mall and while buying a Louis Vutton purse for herself, she had me try on (and then offered to buy me) the 007 Omega Seamaster ($3,500 at the time) and I had to decline. I mean that would have been an awesome gift but having someone you've only known like 2 weeks offer to buy you something like that is not normal.

Second red flag was after meeting my friends. Got along fine and then right when we left their house, she was insistent that all of my friends girlfriends wanted to get with me, which was ridiculous as they all had been together for years (2 of the 3 couples are still together, 17 years later), it was clear she was just jealous and threatened by them because they were younger knew me longer but did it in a way to stroke my ego.

Flag 3 was when she started speaking in a British accent out of the blue. I still have no idea if it was done in a joking manner but it was full-on 100% of the time for an entire day, then it just stopped.

The last straw was a few days after that when we went to a poker party at her friend's house. There were probably 30 people with multiple tables going at once but as I didn't have any money (just started the new job) I was just hanging out and socializing. While smoking outside some girl that was a friend of the host came outside and smoked and we chatted for a bit and got along pretty well, but apparently she (the girl I was dating) saw that and apparently we had to leave right then. The instant we got into the car, she was trashing that girl calling her a whore and how gross she was and proceeded to talk about them the entire drive back to her apartment, which was a complete 180 from the impression I got from that girl.

I broke it off as it was clear that she was insanely jealous of any girl I interacted with and didn't need that sort of poisonous drama, I do miss those perfect eraser head nips though. <lol>
Never really had a crazy girlfriend. Other than my Iraqi Arab ex gf back in 2014... In fact she wasn't crazy. Just a rude delusional bitch. Was with her for 7 months. Looking back on it, if it wasn't for her interesting stories about Bagdad 2003 - 2009 I would have left her after the 2 month mark.
what was interesing, out of curiosity?
what was interesing, out of curiosity?
She told me the stories about how the state ran media kept everyone on the dark. Remember Bagdad bob? the guy that got on live TV and said, "oh no, we already repelled the Invasion of the US. They have been defeated already. Iraqi people can go about their lives freely like normal". They ALL actually believed that stuff. The way she explained it, it was similar to the stories you hear about North Korea. All of the news and TV shows were fake propaganda. Many of them didn't know they invaded Kuwait until months later. She later became an interpreter for the US Army in order to get her green card. While on Balad Air Base she got to watch AFN television. She realized the Iraqi people have been lied to for many years about EVERYTHING.

She was very stubborn about certain topics though. NEVER wanted to admit anything wrong about Iraq's bad decisions. When I asked her why'd Iraq invade Kuwait she just looked down at the ground and said, "oohh uumm well uummm... Kuwait wasn't really their own country anyways and uuuummm those borders weren't created by Arabs so uummm... that's all."

Asked her about how/why the Iraqi people allowed extremist to take over the country. She had no answer at all. Weeks later she admitted that "Arab men have ZERO good qualities compared to pretty much all other men of other ethnicities".

Asked her why Sunnis and Shiites couldn't put aside their differences and try to rebuild the country. She had no answer. Just said, "oh well... I am not there anymore so I don't care".

Asked her what it was like to be forced to start wearing a bee keeper suit again in 2004. She said, "the worst was having act like it was something we wanted to do. Like a daily game of pretend."
Flag 3 was when she started speaking in a British accent out of the blue. I still have no idea if it was done in a joking manner but it was full-on 100% of the time for an entire day, then it just stopped.

That's fucked up. LOL.
I dated a very well known Danish model (back then at least) in the early 90s. We saw eachother several times while I was bartending near her modeling agency in NYC (near NYU). I found out later this woman had dated rock stars. She was just comfortable with me, no makeup, would dress like a tomboy. Almost nerdy, really tall and thin. Glasses. Still beautiful. This woman got off from kissing...she could cum from deep tongue kissing. We made out after a shift and she came right there. She shook and quivered so hard I thought it was a joke. That lead to a fling. She would suck my tongue but not my D lol. She wouldn't let me do much, she took charge. She would ride and kiss me, finish, roll over and smoke and cry. Always had tears....I was young and confused as hell, but a nut is a nut. She took me to one party, we kissed on a balcony, she gets off, and tells me she is going to Israel the next day with tears in her eyes. I was not sure if she was crying because of the orgasm or because she was leaving me. I never saw her again. Just an Odd but wonderful experience. Bartending was such a gift in my life.

I don't care how hot a girl is, if no head it's a no go.
She told me the stories about how the state ran media kept everyone on the dark. Remember Bagdad bob? the guy that got on live TV and said, "oh no, we already repelled the Invasion of the US. They have been defeated already. Iraqi people can go about their lives freely like normal". They ALL actually believed that stuff. The way she explained it, it was similar to the stories you hear about North Korea. All of the news and TV shows were fake propaganda. Many of them didn't know they invaded Kuwait until months later. She later became an interpreter for the US Army in order to get her green card. While on Balad Air Base she got to watch AFN television. She realized the Iraqi people have been lied to for many years about EVERYTHING.

She was very stubborn about certain topics though. NEVER wanted to admit anything wrong about Iraq's bad decisions. When I asked her why'd Iraq invade Kuwait she just looked down at the ground and said, "oohh uumm well uummm... Kuwait wasn't really their own country anyways and uuuummm those borders weren't created by Arabs so uummm... that's all."

Asked her about how/why the Iraqi people allowed extremist to take over the country. She had no answer at all. Weeks later she admitted that "Arab men have ZERO good qualities compared to pretty much all other men of other ethnicities".

Asked her why Sunnis and Shiites couldn't put aside their differences and try to rebuild the country. She had no answer. Just said, "oh well... I am not there anymore so I don't care".

Asked her what it was like to be forced to start wearing a bee keeper suit again in 2004. She said, "the worst was having act like it was something we wanted to do. Like a daily game of pretend."
thanks, interesting. I doubt if all the populace believed the lies though, one thing about humans, wherever they are, they whisper and gossip amongst themselves, half of that will usually be lies too though. She actually sounds saner than some of these guys chicks.