Craziest person you ever dated/banged

My GF used to ask me to leave my worn shirt at her house on the nights I didn't stay at her place so she could sleep with it and it would have my scent on it so she felt like I was there.

Then when I dumped her I took all my belongings home, including all my shirts. A few days later my car got broken into and the only thing that was stolen was my jacket. I had other things in there that a thief would've likely taken, but no, just the jacket. I confronted her about it and she denied doing it, but I know she did.

What kind of craziness have you experienced?

Why did you dump your GF in the first place?

Was it an expensive jacket? My buddy's car got broken into and all they stole was gum. Maybe it really wasn't her. You had no real evidence so it was all just your (reasonable) assumption.
Just got officially divorced last month. Ex wife ended up suffering from depression, anxiety, and was emotionally a psychopath. No kids so clean split but it was weird watching her downward spiral. Some of the stuff that happened in her childhood she didn't admit till later on and it was stuff that you cannot reverse without professional help. Me and my 2 parents tried a medical intervention with her, and she refused. If we had kids, I would have probably had enough proof to show the court that she was crazy and that she either didn't need full custody or needed a psychiatrist. Not going to post anything too graphic but I'll leave in the spoiler tags a moderate example of someone whose actually legitimately crazy.

Went and visited my sister. Her and her 2 kids are actually the reason why I originally met my wife. Oldest of her 2 kids is slightly autistic. Went home and told my wife that I saw my sister and that oldest kid told me how much she misses her and how she was happy when she played candy land with her. My wife gives me an emotionless death stare and says "yeah well she's always happy because she's a fucking retard" and then slowly turns her head to the TV and zones out with a blank stare. A 7 year old child telling me that she enjoys quality time with my wife is what caused that response........

I definitely think having a child with her could've saved the marriage.
I'd say most crazy was a French chick many years ago. One night stand. She was.....a bit intolerant and a bit demanding. Kicked her out around 3am or so, which she didn't like much.
Swedish chick was also a fucking nightmare when she'd had too much white wine (which was EVERY SINGLE DAY). Yeah.

There were compensations though.
My GF used to ask me to leave my worn shirt at her house on the nights I didn't stay at her place so she could sleep with it and it would have my scent on it so she felt like I was there.

Then when I dumped her I took all my belongings home, including all my shirts. A few days later my car got broken into and the only thing that was stolen was my jacket. I had other things in there that a thief would've likely taken, but no, just the jacket. I confronted her about it and she denied doing it, but I know she did.

What kind of craziness have you experienced?
My ex went crazy on her roommate instead of me. Broke into her car to throw used condoms. Stole her stuff. Kicked her off the lease and told her a day before she had to move.

I enjoy hearing about drama when I am in no way effected. So this was the best kind of crazy ex I could hope for.
Why did you dump your GF in the first place?

Was it an expensive jacket? My buddy's car got broken into and all they stole was gum. Maybe it really wasn't her. You had no real evidence so it was all just your (reasonable) assumption.
I dumped her because I met someone I liked better.

And no, the jacket wasn't expensive.

I just think the odds of some stranger stealing my jacket right after I took all my shirts away and dumped her are just too slim.

Wouldn't surprise me if she still sleeps with it 25 years later.
Had an ex that would check all my phone messages while I was asleep. Sometimes I'd wake up and she'd be balling her eyes out like 'Why would you text Jeff That Jodie is looking good'.

After an hour of consoling her saying 'Jeff likes her it was a joke!' she'd go back to sleep. Pretty sure she was projecting and would fuck people when I was gone.

Craziest I banged would probably be this girl who was 2 years in highschool.

Turns out she was 2 years below me throughout Junior high and high school I had no idea who she was but after 10 years and as soon as we matched she wanted to come over. After about 15 minutes of watching good ol' Netflix she wanted to fuck.

So I did and it's starting to get late. She tells me during pillow talk she wants to stay over and has a hole in her septum because of all the cocaine she's done in the past and she has sleep apnea but didn't bring the machine because she didn't want to sleep with it our first night together..

This chicks snores fucking rumbled the bed. I felt like I was in a horror movie with the covers pulled up to my eyes.
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Just got officially divorced last month. Ex wife ended up suffering from depression, anxiety, and was emotionally a psychopath. No kids so clean split but it was weird watching her downward spiral. Some of the stuff that happened in her childhood she didn't admit till later on and it was stuff that you cannot reverse without professional help. Me and my 2 parents tried a medical intervention with her, and she refused. If we had kids, I would have probably had enough proof to show the court that she was crazy and that she either didn't need full custody or needed a psychiatrist. Not going to post anything too graphic but I'll leave in the spoiler tags a moderate example of someone whose actually legitimately crazy.

Went and visited my sister. Her and her 2 kids are actually the reason why I originally met my wife. Oldest of her 2 kids is slightly autistic. Went home and told my wife that I saw my sister and that oldest kid told me how much she misses her and how she was happy when she played candy land with her. My wife gives me an emotionless death stare and says "yeah well she's always happy because she's a fucking retard" and then slowly turns her head to the TV and zones out with a blank stare. A 7 year old child telling me that she enjoys quality time with my wife is what caused that response........
She just sounds like a sherdogger, bruh
Latina chicks are batshit crazy. And yet I keep making the same mistake.

1) Got kidnapped by a chick in Brazil. Had to walk 20ish km back to the gym where I've stayed.

2) Hooked up with a porn actress on tinder. Kept stalking me for 3 years or so.

3) I was kinda dating a milf (basically the same age as me) and one day she wants to confess me something. I had no idea what to expect but she said she wanted to kill random people. Got her to a shrink then a psych ward.

4) Hooked up with a chick that had secretly filmed me and put me on some tube sites. Friends found out and I was the laughing stock for a few days. The chick was hot though.

5) I had banged one of the hottest chicks I've ever met a few times. Then she told me she was married and her husband wanted to watch me bang her. I skipped. Until she got divorced then banged her again.

6) had one that put my finger againt the finger print scanner on the iphone when I was sleeping (we're talking 2017) and read all my messenger messages like 3 years back (we were only together for 4 or 5 months at the time) then asked me who this or who that was

Also a Turkish chick that though I was cheating and that stabbed me with a boxcutter

Theres a few more that are too fucked up to post.
Stab my tyre which led to the police being called (by her when I lost my shit) breach of parole and six months jail. Did it because she was fucking someone else and didn't want me doing the same thing.
I went out with a girl I knew for a while from college. She was actually an amazing person. The first few dates we went on, she told me about how she wants me to meet her grandma and how her grandma pretty much raised her. It was a very touching story. She went on to tell me how she won't date me if her grandma doesn't like me, of course she was joking, but she said how much her grandma's opinion means to her. Well, one day she picked me up to finally meet her "grandma". She had a basket lunch and a cooler with drinks in it, so I figured we were going on a picnic. Nope, we went to the cemetery! Her grandma had been dead for four YEARS! It was really hard for me to kind of blow her off after that, because I felt like a horrible person. I didn't end it solely because of the grandma situation but it was clear she had issues with losing someone that she deeply loved and obviously meant the world to her. At that time of in my life, I just didn't wanna deal with it.

I had a gf who told me once in a previous place she lived a bird layed eggs in the nest box near her window, and when the chicks hatched and started cheeping all the time she blocked the hole with tin foil while the bird was out, then enjoyed watching how the mother bird would flutter around helplessly outside, and listening how the chicks cheeped forlornly and eventually fell silent. I hope she made that story up.

She also would often drop strong hints that she was bi, but if you followed up on that theme at all she would act like being bi was so far from her mind at first she didn't even know what you were talking about. Then she would act like so surprised that you could ever think that and of course deny that she had any feelings for other females. She also HATED male homosexuality and would bring up the subject to bash gay men quite often, when it wasn't relevant to what we were talking about or what was going on around us. She ended up living in a house with a bunch of LGBT females, that is bi girls, lesbians and MTF transexuals.

She was into art and did these kind of scary black scribble drawings that looked like shadow people or maybe djinns. Like proper adult art to a decent standard, but in a scribbly and sinister style. We used to go on nightwalks through the industrial zone and listen to Low and hang out in hotels and restaurant patios and stuff without buying anything. She was also a strong Christian (some form of trendy Protestantism, she was American and this was in the USA). She asked how I would react when she became really famous for her art. Once we were talking to some Brazilian guy who seemed nice and after he left she said she was going to avoid him because she sensed 'strong demonic activity' in him.

She looked 100% White, but said she was mixed, and she had some kind of splotch on her skin which she said was like Ashy Knee [Edit for clarity: it wasn't on her knee.], which is apparently something Black people get, and would use this as 'proof' that she was part Black. A lot of 'White' Americans do have some Black blood so this could have been true. As we dated this White/Black theme escalated however and she started making comments like all of her previous boyfriends were Black (I'm White), how would I like to have dark-skinned children (ie we get married and she cheats with a Black man and we raise the kids together), how come you can dance when you're White I thought only Black guys can dance etc.

She told me stories like how she used to live in Paris, and how her grandmother once took her on a trip, as a child, around the coast of Great Britain travelling only by local buses etc., which were probably false. I can speak French (to a low standard) but she wouldn't say a word of French to me. She also had a bad credit record, and said that she left her family home at 17 and lived in an art collective in an old warehouse in Denver for several years, before moving to Seattle (where I met her) to pursue her ex, who was significantly younger than her. She said she left home when it turned out her parents' whole life was a lie, but did not want to elaborate.

Once we went on a trip involving three buses, at night. There were posters in many places saying you have to buy a second ticket past a certain point. I went first and bought a second ticket, but she tried to use the original one, got rejected, then started shouting and swearing at the bus driver to the point he called security on his radio. This was in a kind of remote place on the edge of town with hardly anyone around or on board. She then said "FINE! HERE'S A FUCKING TEN!" and put a $10 note into the machine, when the ticket cost $2 or $3, refused change, and said that would pay for the next few people. For some reason, because I'm male, when the next few people got on and the driver said it was taken care of, they thought I paid, so all these people were thanking me for paying for their tickets.

There's more I could say about her but those are the key points I suppose. Her behaviour escalated over time.
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I definitely think having a child with her could've saved the marriage.
If by save you mean postpartum depression and possible suicidal thoughts then yeah I guess it would have saved it assuming I didn't end up a widow
Currently dating an asian chick who refused to meet my friends because she's not sure to want to be in a relationship,
the next day she asked me to come with her at her mom birthday party...

I have a dozen other exemple like that being hot/cold on a daily basis....
been 3 weeks now, already just have a shrug attitude.

Basically put her in the fuckfriend category.
Pretty sure she will became the stalker type when I start to fool around again....
I had a female cousin maybe 5-6 years older than me who kind of looked out for me growing up. She gave me 2 really good pieces of advice I still remember.

#1 - Never stick your dick in crazy.

#2 - once you get your dick wet, they all become crazy.
I was stabbed by my ex when she caught me cheating (many years ago when I was young and a habitual cheater and kept videos on my phone like a fool). It punctured my liver and I got sepsis. I was hospitalized for almost two weeks and could have died.

She was Puerto Rican.
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I had a female cousin maybe 5-6 years older than me who kind of looked out for me growing up. She gave me 2 really good pieces of advice I still remember.

#1 - Never stick your dick in crazy.

#2 - once you get your dick wet, they all become crazy.
I had a female cousin maybe 5-6 years older than me who kind of looked out for me growing up. She gave me 2 really good pieces of advice I still remember.

#1 - Never stick your dick in crazy.

This isn't good advice IMO. Crazy chicks are fun as hell for like 2 weeks - month. After that you have to run as fast as you can.
My GF used to ask me to leave my worn shirt at her house on the nights I didn't stay at her place so she could sleep with it and it would have my scent on it so she felt like I was there.

Then when I dumped her I took all my belongings home, including all my shirts. A few days later my car got broken into and the only thing that was stolen was my jacket. I had other things in there that a thief would've likely taken, but no, just the jacket. I confronted her about it and she denied doing it, but I know she did.

What kind of craziness have you experienced?

You ever consider that maybe she wasn’t crazy and you just smell that damn good?
Obvious but someone has to ask/post:
I had a female cousin maybe 5-6 years older than me who kind of looked out for me growing up. She gave me 2 really good pieces of advice I still remember.

#1 - Never stick your dick in crazy.

#2 - once you get your dick wet, they all become crazy.
Is your cousin crazy?
This isn't good advice IMO. Crazy chicks are fun as hell for like 2 weeks - month. After that you have to run as fast as you can.