Count me as an ex-Cyborg fan

At least Cyborg supporters aren't tranny loving sexual deviants...

As a matter of fact, they are. You should try taking a look at her. There's a reason she's referred to as Wanderlei in a dress, and it's not because of her fighting style. You'd be an example of what I was talking about, by the way.
As a matter of fact, they are. You should try taking a look at her. There's a reason she's referred to as Wanderlei in a dress, and it's not because of her fighting style. You'd be an example of what I was talking about, by the way.

I guess that's high praise coming from the #1 chicks with dicks enthusiast here on Sherdog.


Sorry, I'm into chicks with pussies though. Hate to burst your bubble but I'm a fan of Cris because she brings the violence against women.
I guess that's high praise coming from the #1 chicks with dicks enthusiast here on Sherdog.

Those aren't my words. Those are Dana's. I guess it is high praise. That's the UFC president.

Sorry, I'm into chicks with pussies though. Hate to burst your bubble but I'm a fan of Cris because she brings the violence against women.

Apparently not. You're a Cyborg fan after all. 'I'm a fan of Chris...' Keep telling yourself that. We know you're actually fantasizing about what might be lurking underneath the clothing. 'brings violence against the women' So in other words you're a meathead. I knew that already based on your response to Cyborg's assault on Magana.
Her 'team' is made up of mental midgets. It is quite possibly the worst fanbase in all of MMA.
How does it feel to get beaten black and blue by 'mental midgets' every time you step in a Cyborg thread? You get owned every time. Stay in the real midget threads with the other two Mighty Mouse fans.
I'm starting to think TS was never a fan in the first place. <Manning1>

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