Movies Could anyone else have played these iconic characters?


Black Belt
Jul 28, 2009
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There have been characters in movies where the actor or actress playing the role nailed it so perfectly it is hard to imagine anyone else trying to replace that actor. Christopher Reeve as Superman is a good example.

Who else could have played these characters if the original actor had chosen to not take the role?

Dr. Charles Xavier
T 800
Marty McFly
Han Solo
Agent Smith
Black Swan
John Mclane
Ellen Ripley
Johnny (the room)
Foxy Brown
Forrest Gump
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version)
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doc.X - Wanda sykes
T800 - Timmy shalletmay
Marty mcfly - the rock
han solo - mark whalberg
agent smith - akwafina
black swan - Chris hemsworth
John McClane - Zendaya
Ellen Ripley - John Cena
Anne Hathaway or Jennifer Connelly as Wonder Woman.
Arnold wasn't a great actor, any tall musclebound foreigner would have worked as the Terminator. They could have just thrown Dolph Lundgren in there, although he might have been too young.
Arnold wasn't a great actor, any tall musclebound foreigner would have worked as the Terminator. They could have just thrown Dolph Lundgren in there, although he might have been too young.
The fact Arnold had such a limited range combined with a strong foreign accent and giant presence worked in his favor. He paved the way for guys like Dolph to succeed.
There have been characters in movies where the actor or actress playing the role nailed it so perfectly it is hard to imagine anyone else trying to replace that actor. Christopher Reeve as Superman is a good example.

Who else could have played these characters if the original actor had chosen to not take the role?

Dr. Charles Xavier
T 800
Marty McFly
Han Solo
Agent Smith
Black Swan
John Mclane
Ellen Ripley
Johnny (the room)
Foxy Brown
Forrest Gump
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version)
OJ could have played the T800 per the original plan, but Cameron didn't think OJ as a killer would be believable

doc.X - Wanda sykes
T800 - Timmy shalletmay
Marty mcfly - the rock
han solo - mark whalberg
agent smith - akwafina
black swan - Chris hemsworth
John McClane - Zendaya
Ellen Ripley - John Cena
Something tells me Mark Wahlberg wouldn't have had the reaction time to shoot first and survive the encounter with Greedo

Also, Chris Hemsworth would have easily pulled off playing the white swan but I don't think he is capable of getting dirty enough to play the black swan.

Sign me up for Zendaya running around barefoot killing people though....
There have been characters in movies where the actor or actress playing the role nailed it so perfectly it is hard to imagine anyone else trying to replace that actor. Christopher Reeve as Superman is a good example.

Who else could have played these characters if the original actor had chosen to not take the role?

Dr. Charles Xavier
T 800
Marty McFly
Han Solo
Agent Smith
Black Swan
John Mclane
Ellen Ripley
Johnny (the room)
Foxy Brown
Forrest Gump
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version)
Seriously though- regarding Patrick Stewart, who else could have done it?

I bet the casting choice list for that role looked like this

Patrick Stewart

Plan B: offer Patrick Stewart more money.
Seriously though- regarding Patrick Stewart, who else could have done it?

I bet the casting choice list for that role looked like this

Patrick Stewart

Plan B: offer Patrick Stewart more money.

Patrick Stewart was ideal as Dr. X but Ben Kingsley is the same age and I think could have pulled it off too. Apparently Michael Jackson auditioned for the role too and would have been... awesome lmfao.

But Han Solo would be tough to re-cast - dude was an ideal blend of sensitive and swaggering that was perfect for a space soap opera. Allegedly Al Pacino turned down the role and Christopher Walken was the second choice after Ford.

But the thing is, no other actor could have played any role EXACTLY like the actors that did, and that goes for any role in any movie. Could another actor have played the role "better?" Possible but yeah, the OP roles are pretty iconic.
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Dr. Charles Xavier - Yul Brynner
T 800 - Nobody
Marty McFly - Cory Feldman
Han Solo - John Travolta
Agent Smith - Tobey McGuire
Black Swan - Lizzo
John Mclane - Richard Dean Anderson
Ellen Ripley - Demi Moore
Johnny (the room) - ?
Foxy Brown - Wanda Sykes
Forrest Gump - Will Smith
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version) - Katy Perry
There have been characters in movies where the actor or actress playing the role nailed it so perfectly it is hard to imagine anyone else trying to replace that actor. Christopher Reeve as Superman is a good example.

Who else could have played these characters if the original actor had chosen to not take the role?

Dr. Charles Xavier
T 800
Marty McFly
Han Solo
Agent Smith
Black Swan
John Mclane
Ellen Ripley
Johnny (the room)
Foxy Brown
Forrest Gump
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version)
actually, sorry to geek out, but they actually shot half of 'back to the future' with a different actor, but the director wasnt feeling him, and michael j fox was the replacement. i think its on a netflix documentary... they had to refilm a lot of the best scenes.
Dr. Charles Xavier - Yul Brynner
T 800 - Nobody
Marty McFly - Cory Feldman
Han Solo - John Travolta
Agent Smith - Tobey McGuire
Black Swan - Lizzo
John Mclane - Richard Dean Anderson
Ellen Ripley - Demi Moore
Johnny (the room) - ?
Foxy Brown - Wanda Sykes
Forrest Gump - Will Smith
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version) - Katy Perry

Travolta would have been a little too young in 1977 but very solid re-cast for Han Solo. He definitely could have played the character the same way Ford did.

And while he was no longer living when Patrick Stewart was cast, damn if young Yul Brynner wasn't the spitting image of comic book Dr. X.

There have been characters in movies where the actor or actress playing the role nailed it so perfectly it is hard to imagine anyone else trying to replace that actor. Christopher Reeve as Superman is a good example.

Who else could have played these characters if the original actor had chosen to not take the role?

Dr. Charles Xavier
T 800
Marty McFly
Han Solo
Agent Smith
Black Swan
John Mclane
Ellen Ripley
Johnny (the room)
Foxy Brown
Forrest Gump
Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version)
It's hard to stick to time period because lot of these movies are very old and my knowledge of avaible actors going back then it's far smaller than current/recent (or all times) options
Completely ignoring fit same time period, just thinking who could have the right charisma/look/skill

I legit believe some would even do better job

Dr. Charles Xavier


Marty McFly

Han Solo

Agent Smith

Black Swan

John Mclane

Ellen Ripley

Johnny (the room)

Foxy Brown

Forrest Gump

Wonder Woman (Linda Carter version)
The only reason people think no one could replace an actor is because they have the memory in place of that performance.

If they never had the role in the first place there would be no reference for comparison and you would like say that THEY could never have done the job of whichever actor would have filled the role, as they undoubtedly would have brought their own take and nuance to the character.

So yes. Any character could have be potentially equally as good or better in the hands of another capable performer.
actually, sorry to geek out, but they actually shot half of 'back to the future' with a different actor, but the director wasnt feeling him, and michael j fox was the replacement. i think its on a netflix documentary... they had to refilm a lot of the best scenes.
I am aware of this. Eric Stoltz. You just proved my point!
Arnold wasn't a great actor, any tall musclebound foreigner would have worked as the Terminator. They could have just thrown Dolph Lundgren in there, although he might have been too young.
Nah, he was a very good physical actor with masses of charisma, granted the latter wasn't so important here(although it comes though somewhat) but I don't think just plonking any old muscle man into the role would have worked.

Arnold basically got Cameron to shift the character to a muscle man by impressing him enough, previously the Terminator was going to be played by Lance Henriksen as more of a T-1000 kind of role.
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I believe Helen Mirren went for the Ripley role as well, I spose you can see her playing a somewhat similar character in 2010.
I reckon Tom Hardy would of done ok at Forrest Gump.