Convict Claims Wes Watson Is A Fraud

Gotta love how the AB member who's proudly "earned" a bunch of swastikas and what not bit his tongue before he said "shit" and changed it to "crap".
saying shit is a no no.
Wes Watson is a clown. Every dude I've ever met that acted like him was big pussy who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
But seriously, are the two guys in the op (wes and powder) the two biggest wankstas you ever seen!?
The only prison dude youtuber I know is that black guy that sounds like Mike Tyson and talks about getting your wig split.
The only prison dude youtuber I know is that black guy that sounds like Mike Tyson and talks about getting your wig split.
Gotta love how the AB member who's proudly "earned" a bunch of swastikas and what not bit his tongue before he said "shit" and changed it to "crap".
Theres no curse words allowed on that channel because its run by youth counselors
They also bleep out the names of drugs too
All the violence is fine though
I'm not entirely sure what's going on here but...

I don't know who's more of a loser

1. The guy who pretends to have been in jail who hasn't.
2. The Aryan guy who's keeping tabs on who's in prison and wants to be hard
3. The guy hosting a show to get the Kardashian News fluff on prisoners
4. The guy who wants to watches TMZ jail edition
5. Me who clicked a thread, realized what it was and still watched the video in entirety