Conor using more irish science voodoo


Aug 28, 2009
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Now we all know the juries still out on science, what with their theories and what not, saying that man evolved form monkeys and other dumb shit

But conor is using irish black magic science to get an edge up on his competition

Their meassuring his midichlorians and shit

Can't wait for the eventual Mike Perry, SageGoat, McGregor team up

Platinum should take those two under his massive lats wings
Now we all know the juries still out on science, what with their theories and what not, saying that man evolved form monkeys and other dumb shit

But conor is using irish black magic science to get an edge up on his competition

Their meassuring his midichlorians and shit

Can't wait for the eventual Mike Perry, SageGoat, McGregor team up

Platinum should take those two under his massive lats wings

Lmfao wut.

Anyway,....pseudoscience sucks

No idea what this is though


We have 2 DEXA machines where I work. They're the gold standard you dummy.

He's testing VO2max/peak and his body composition: 2 things most fighters don't have access to.

He's definitely getting the elite level training (the sort that Olympic level athletes get).


We have 2 DEXA machines where I work. They're the gold standard you dummy.

He's testing VO2max/peak and his body composition: 2 things most fighters don't have access to.

He's definitely getting the elite level training (the sort that Olympic level athletes get).

lol VO2max
the fuck is that
sounds like free radicals and shit
Stop making up words
Some interesting shit. Ivan Drago shit. If Ivan taught you anything though, fancy shit are just fancy!
any rune stones involved? Druids? Elves? Where's the magic at.
Some interesting shit. Ivan Drago shit. If Ivan taught you anything though, fancy shit are just fancy!

Right? Has this dude never seen Rocky IV (AKA the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME)

Eddie's probably out there training in the snow and shit, trying to figure out why he didn't throw the damn towel

Conor's doing DEXA, which sounds like a PED to me
Right? Has this dude never seen Rocky IV (AKA the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME)

Eddie's probably out there training in the snow and shit, trying to figure out why he didn't throw the damn towel

Conor's doing DEXA, which sounds like a PED to me
Who knows, but he has seen Rocky Tree.

He's riding a bike in doors

Seems legit


There's a manlet or two in the video, so that's kinda like an elf

No drow elves though, that'd be racist

works out his aerobic capacity which allows him to train at specific intervals. Most of his training sessions will consist of high-intensity intervals up around 85% of his VO2max. This is the sort of training that will improve his cardiovascular endurance a lot quicker. Prior to the diaz fight he was just training like others (running or cycling for a set distance). With his money and exposure he can now train efficiently to get the most out of himself. Diaz bro's might be able to do triathlons but I guarantee they can't work at the intensities Conor is working at. Plus it decreases impact injuries (running long distances can cause knee and joint problems long term).

Soon enough he will be on another level. That is a fact.
Bone density scan. Also looking for broken bones.