Conor Unique Ab Training "Ra Ra Ra Ra"

Glad he's working on his sub defense.
he should've done an extrararararararara

Mystic Mac is going with some old Gods Egyptian shit to get things done. Ra Ra Ra !!!

In Ireland when you mention the RA, it takes on a very different meaning!
When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.

Nah, mistakes happen. Nothing to be ashamed of. Saying it's unique though... :p

Anyway, it seemed you wanted to ridicule it like Ido Portal's excecises have been ridiculed. My bad.
Nah, mistakes happen. Nothing to be ashamed of. Saying it's unique though... :p

Anyway, it seemed you wanted to ridicule it like Ido Portal's excecises have been ridiculed. My bad.
It's kwl bro tbh I wanna play touch butt in the park
Brah, have you never watched Never Back Down or something???

Hater TS calls this unique.

Sure buddeh. Go watch more Conor vids.
what the hell is that. damn training. just beating your body up and making it weak. nearly as dumb as touch butt