Colby Covington: 'Ben Askren is a 34-year-old virgin'

His promotion with pornstars and calling people nerds and virgins seems forced, almost like he`s trying to create a smoke screen...
Sounds like he is projecting.

Wonder how much he paid that girl to lay there.

Also why does he have a belt? He was never really a champion.

Although I guess technically he hasn't been a virgin since Werdum sodomized him...

Colby is literally chael lite as a fighter and yet no one has been able to stOp him

Well, he doesn't seem to have that mental hole where he opens himself up for a submission every time he's winning. But he also can't put most guys on the mat or keep them there. I guess wall n stall is safer than getting on top and trying to GnP people. Damn shame. It's awful for viewing purposes.
lol, I love how rustled everyone gets at Colby, his trash talk is so juvenile and immature lmao
Did Colby have to pay another fighter so he could use their belt in his pictures too, like the porn chicks?

So heavy on the cringe.
Colby loves the D, he should have the courage to admit it.
Paid that woman to lay there with the implant scars, hover hands with pornstars he paid for an advertisement, and then calls others virgins.

The saddest part is that he played hover hands with a pornstar who allowed a fan to knock her up.
Lol. Did Colby really get outed for paying strippers and lying about it? Anyone have a link?
If anything it's Colby who is the virgin. That, or the biggest closet homo combat sports has ever seen.

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