Coke vs Pepsi

Coke or Pepsi

Which one do you prefer

Always preferred coke but Pepsi tastes better now after a long time of not drinking soda
coke, all the way, back when I was drinking the sugar kind and now that I drink only diet. Pepsi always had it wrong, and the diet version uses that new sweetner that I can' stand.
Coke all the way

Don't drink much soda and don't like either one, but if I had to pick I'd go Pepsi.

Random fact: Coca Cola written in arabic is still pronounced the same. But since there is no "p" sound in arabic, Pepsi is called "Bebsi" in the middle east. For some reason, I've always found this hilarious.

Don't drink much soda and don't like either one, but if I had to pick I'd go Pepsi.

Random fact: Coca Cola written in arabic is still pronounced the same. But since there is no "p" sound in arabic, Pepsi is called "Bebsi" in the middle east. For some reason, I've always found this hilarious.

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Bebsi, habibi?
I went on a soliloquy about the difference between the two whilst high on mushrooms that led to me doing a 20 page term paper in college on the subtle intricacies of the aforementioned sodas. In the end, I prefer Coke.
Normally my choice would always be Pepsi of the two but we always have coke in the house as that's my wife's preference and I'm ok with it.

However, I grabbed a Pepsi a few weeks ago whilst out and took a swig only to spit it out. The recipe seems to have been changed, the sugar has decreased and the sweetener substituted.

Was awful. Poured it away after a couple of sips.
both but don't drink them as much anymore. would usually stick to one for a while then switch.