Cody GarbREPTILE is the Real Snake in the grass.

You asked for opinions, and I don't give a shit about that. It's entertaining and I hope they hava good fight.
Sot down and take this L
And yet you post again and talk about an Internet forum victory? Your life must be in shambles...

TJ was going for the open hand slap

but yeah he didn't connect

One of the teammates arms stopped the forward momentum of the slap so TJ tried to grab cody by his head and failed that too
There was something that landed on Bro-Love as his head jerked to the left and head red marks on his face...
Cody would be out trash talked by a rock, then try and fight said rock!
Everyone knew a guy like Cody growing up, he's just a mental midget who can't use his words effectively so resorts to violence...

Never been a big fan of TJ, but compared to Garbrandt he's the good guy.

Cody is incredibly insecure and it shows.
They're turning TJ into a sympathetic character.
Cody is the guy that while walking by bumps into your back while your standing at the bar to order a drink, then he grabs your shoulder and says "You have a problem?" You are like "what?" and turn back to the bar trying to ignore him and he says something like " Yah, I didn't think so. You better watch yourself bitch". Uriah is that guys friend who everyone that knows them says is the nice guy in the group. Yet he is always there smilin and pumpin the dude up for his bullshit. " Come on man, forget that pussy, he ain't gonna do shit."
I know that there is editing and shit but so far... Cody is lucky he's a fighter as if he wasn't with what seems like a real short temper I feel like he'd have caught charges by now.

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