"Childish" Things that you do/ still find hilarious?

I'll also jump on the fart train but add this: if with another person and you release a silent killer, say, "Do you smell popcorn?" Watch them take a long inhale and gag on it. Works every time.
That is absolutely devious!!! You monster!!! :eek:
Thank you! I'm assuming you meant that as a compliment?
If it’s happening to somebody who isn’t me, yes. Very clever. Now if this happened to me? I’m punching you lmao.
Another thing is that if there’s a song my wife is listening to, I will ruin it by singing gay lyrics over it to the same melody as the song, a la Cum Town (I was doing this well before I ever heard Cum Town).
Slipping on words and accidentally saying something inappropriate will always fucking get me.

Had a virtual meeting with my bosses boss the other day and about thirty others including some other high up people. Big wig says "I know our company is going through a tough time but if you guys go hard for me to, I'll give it hard for you"

I immediately get a shit eating grin and had to turn the camera off lol, which is like a big no no if corporate is in on the meeting.
Racist jokes, fart jokes, women aren't funny jokes, people getting hit in the balls. Ya know, just being a guy.
Yo momma jokes will never, not be hilarious.
Shitpost on the internet.
Dial 9 on dept. store phones and then page cool stuff over the store intercom.
Price check, man in brown shirt on aisle 5, hemorrhoid suppositories.

Price check, woman in red skirt on aisle 3, extra strength feminine itch cream.

Customer in pharmacy needs help locating extra small condoms.

The people do not exist, no one is bothered.​

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