Can You Top This Fighter Walkout Track?


*~Qual Cor Tradisti~*
Sep 5, 2017
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I don't think there has ever been a combination of sound and fury like this song and the fighter who walked to it. Goosebumps all day.

Just hearing it now makes me nervous, like fearing for someone else's health and well-being.

Plus this video has the most epic pre-modern dab I've ever seen. Enjoy it if you catch it.
I fear I'm in danger of a crippling head kick listening to that.
Keith Jardine used to walk out to this weird song that was a mixture of bagpipes and didgeridoos. Still shaking my head, like Valentina Shevchenko, in confusion all these years later
Goodbye Horses is the only song that strikes fear into my heart. I fear what comes with that song. I fear that storm.
My favourite is still Stephen Wonderboy Thompson coming out to Tenacious D
