Can we talk about how predictably rural counties vote red and urban counties vote blue?

Another thing about rural, if you need something, there is a neighbor that's gonna help you fix something or help you out. If you are neighborly to others. The church will take a special offering or cub scouts will do some service for somebody in the community. It just tends to be close knit. And it just strengthens the bond. And govt just does not have to get involved.

This times 1000. I've had friends help me install plumbing, show me how to fix a car, etc.

Just the other day, the youth group from the church down the road was going door to door through the neighborhood asking people if they had anything they'd like them to pray for.

The next day my wife had a slew of homemade cards waiting in the mail box. You wont find many examples like that in the city.
People in cities are less individualistic, weaker, more concerned with womanly things. Lifestyle differences create differences of perspective.

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