No, I'm arguing that it takes longer than people who think homelessness is a choice or a moral failure think it does for a truly bad off person to get clean, if that's even the problem. Not all homeless people who need costly care are drug addicts, there are a significant portion who are also physically disabled, or who even ended up homeless due to medical issues.
Now keep in mind that guy said disability denied him 3 times after having his stroke. I've mentioned my Aunt before who had ALS. Thankfully she lived with my Mother, but before that she had an apartment, now imagine my Mother didnt live in the same City. My Aunt was also denied both disability and early SS when she was nearly immobile, and the Hospitsls kept sending her home because she had no more money. One of those Hospitals was one she worked at.
She would have literally possibly died in the streets. She has another Brother, who himself is disabled due to stroke.