Bulgaria drifts to the right: center-right party wins election, coalition with far-right party


not even webscale
Sep 13, 2012
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Bulgaria is one of Europe's poorer countries, with a population of 7 million, north of Turkey & Greece, and south of Romania, for those who didn't pay attention in their Geography course.

Former prime minister Boyko Borissov and his center-right party 'GERB' (which he founded) seem to be the big winners of the Bulgarian election. He's not necessarily a typical 'right-winger' as we understand that term or a nationalist ala Le Pen and pro-Europe but had his fair share of scandals in the past (in some ways more "common" in those countries, though, different circumstances than Northern-, Center- or Western-European countries or the US). Among other things a somewhat authoritarian style, concerns about freedom of the press and a couple of largely unproven allegations regarding ties to organized crime, corruption etc.

In case somebody cares:
Good write-up 'Who is who - Boyko Borisov
Corruption: http://www.economist.com/node/16219865?story_id=E1_TGNTJRGV

As socialists (~27% of votes) turned down an offer to work with GERB (~33%), they have to form a coalition with the "The United Patriots" a coalition of three far-right wing parties. 'Attack' an anti-globalist, anti-Europe, populist party which is close to European national socialists (right-wing but big government, spending on social security etc, similar to Front National), the 'Bulgarian National Movement' a traditionalist-conservative right-wing party, and the National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria.

Any Bulgarian sherbors here who can come up with information and knowledge about the 2017 election? Does somebody follow Bulgarian politics? I don't tbh

Here's a really interesting paper from 2011, Populism: the Bulgarian case
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last i saw this is Amuerica
stop your nimbly bimbly foreigner talk here chief

I only know one Bulgarian Sherdogger but they've never posted in the War Room AFAIK. I'll tag them but who knows if they're interested in politician discussion on an MMA forum.
"Former prime minister Boykok Borisov "

Oh and lol @ the name Boykok.


Typo, right?
let me guess they are anti-muslim? even though no one would want to live in their shitty east block country.
let me guess they are anti-muslim? even though no one would want to live in their shitty east block country.

The funny thing is some Bulgarians, like Blagoi Ivanov, would probably be given a "random check" in an airport for looking like a Muslim, lol.

The only thing of Bulgaria I know of is the Bulgarian Method.
Any Bulgarian sherbors here who can come up with information and knowledge about the 2017 election? Does somebody follow Bulgarian politics? I don't tbh
@LEWIS540 may have something to add; but you may want to insult Liverpool as a friendly gesture, just to get him involved.
The funny thing is some Bulgarians, like Blagoi Ivanov, would probably be given a "random check" in an airport for looking like a Muslim, lol.

Thanks for this insight...would take note...looks like a Middle Eastern dude...could possibly be Bulgarian...
oh it's that guy again, borisov. used to be a club bouncer.gave putin a fluffy dog a few years back.
one of the few countries i've been to that i never want to go back to. once was enough.

edit - when i say he gave putin a fluffy dog, that's literally a fluffy dog. not some balkan submission sex move.

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