BSG(04) vs Expanse vs Farscape

Better show

  • BSG

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Expanse

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • Farscape

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters


Gold Belt
Mar 28, 2016
Reaction score
Of these 3 sorta similar Sci fi shows which did you find overall the best? It's tough for me as I loved Farscape bit Expanse seems the best episode to episode yet while BSG went a little nuts in final season seemed complete where the Expsnse seemed just getting started and only really ended act 1. For me all 3 a pretty close for different reasons. I would go BSG gun to head for the first few seasons an that's it seemed complete unlike other 2.



Haven't watched BSG.
Expanse being more consistent, gives it the edge vs farscape for me.
Expance for me, seasons 1-4 are peak scifi

Drummer is probably best "strong woman character" in last 15 years
Loved Expanse but it felt so unfinished. It's like of they ended Star wars after A New Hope
Loved Expanse but it felt so unfinished. It's like of they ended Star wars after A New Hope

They had to rush final season due to lack of funding and story does continue later but atleast they finished main book series lol
They had to rush final season due to lack of funding and story does continue later but atleast they finished main book series lol
It's just expanse left with ..........Annndddd Thennnnnn?????? They just roke into a new galaxy or whatever and it just ends when it feels like it's really about to become epic.

The Expanse was good but we never got a proper ending. All that exposition about the gates, the molecule, the evil aliens, etc, didn't lead to any payoff. I get that's the book structure but the fact remains it's completely unfinished.

Farscape had a different tone. It got a little bit serious in the end but it was mostly a lower budget, fun lighthearted show. Very entertaining too but hard to compare to something more serious.
Are there any Sci-Fi space TV shows better than The Expanse? I thought Battlestar Galactica remake was a great show but the writers really dropped the ball. That show had so much more potential
I loved The Expanse, still have hope they do a final arc with the original actors down the line since there is a natural jump in the books of 20 years between book 6 and 7.

The Expanse was good but we never got a proper ending. All that exposition about the gates, the molecule, the evil aliens, etc, didn't lead to any payoff. I get that's the book structure but the fact remains it's completely unfinished.

Farscape had a different tone. It got a little bit serious in the end but it was mostly a lower budget, fun lighthearted show. Very entertaining too but hard to compare to something more serious.
Expanse was just frustrating . Great show but ended right when it was about to get Uber interesting. Don't get it show had a massive following to
Farscape is one of my favorite shows of all time. I really enjoyed it. It is an odd show and hard to describe to someone how crazy that show is. I have been meaning to watch the Expanse, I have heard it’s really good.
Farscape is one of my favorite shows of all time. I really enjoyed it. It is an odd show and hard to describe to someone how crazy that show is. I have been meaning to watch the Expanse, I have heard it’s really good.
Farscape is easy to explain, it's muppets in space
Farscape is one of my favorite shows of all time. I really enjoyed it. It is an odd show and hard to describe to someone how crazy that show is. I have been meaning to watch the Expanse, I have heard it’s really good.
Never watched a massive amount of it but it is obviously from a different era of sci fi, I think the BSG remake really pushed the idea of sci fi which plays it straight almost all the time, the Expanse I spose you could say does have some dark comedy around Amos but generally is much the same. I would argue 90's sci fi tended to have more of a diverse tone to it and was often rather more self aware, even something like the X-files which pushed more film like production had lots of those elements which I think really became a large part of the appeal.

If you wanted something non Trek from that era to compare to BSG and the Expanse I would say actually Babylon 5 is probably a better bet, more similar kind of story/setting and whilst it had that same diverse tone its core was generally playing its drama stories straight. The production was obviously cheaper but I think the cast just as good or better and I think its maybe THE main example of a sci fi show which builds up an epic plot and then actually lives up to it, BSG did get an ending but you also got the sense they were making it up rather as they went along.
I’ve only seen Farscape of these three. Wanted to watch BSG but it’s not on any streaming platform anymore. It was on Prime for a while but not anymore, or at least not in Canada as of like a year ago.
I never saw Farscape. I really loved BSG and Expanse. I think I give the edge to BSG.