Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 34 was a MASSIVE flop

SSgt Dickweed

Silver Belt
Apr 30, 2015
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So for Rasslin' insiders and hardcore fans, Wrestlemania is the biggest night of the year and WWE put in a lot of work into making it a special night but the main event was a dud. I didn't watch it live, but am watching right now. The crowd is silent and they are booing and chanting chides at both Rasslers.

There was a lot of reports that Brock was going to leave WWE for another stint at the UFC and Roman Reigns was supposed to get the big "win" and get the championship belt. The fans seems to have resented Brock for him turning his back on them. And most of the fans are not interested with Reigns to begin with bec. despite being given the "push" by the creative minds of the company, he just doesn't have the appeal like Brock or The Rock does.
Ronda Rousey upstaged him. She was the star of the show.

Rowdy has proven she can beat Brock, under the right circumstances.
It doesn't help that Lesnar went from being a really good in-ring performer to a guy that has like 3 moves he uses throughout an entire mach.
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Cock Chestnar


"Frank Murrrr had a horseshoe up his ass"
The match was shit, but the fans also went in with the knowledge that Reigns was winning and Brock was leaving.

That's a recipe for a big "fuck you" from the crowd. They did swerve them at the end by having Brock win, but they're just so sick and fucking tired of having Roman shoved down their throats.

The main problem is Roman Reigns. You put Brock in there with Rollins, Styles, Braun, Joe, etc, and the crowd would get into it. The Roman experiment is just so fucking tired. In fairness though, Suplex City is way past it's expiration date as well. Brock can do so much more than deliver 15 German suplexes in every goddamn match.
wrestling fans are fickle nerds

Nerds, yes.

Fickle, no.

Brock deserves to get booed in PW as he is clearly not passionate about the business and is only really in it for the paycheck.

PW fans are passionate, and if you're good at it and loyal they will cheer you for years - as Brock has been. But it's been apparent for years he is not passionate about the biz and hardly shows up, and it sounds like they finally expressed this.

MMA fans are more fickle.
Nerds, yes.

Fickle, no.

Brock deserves to get booed in PW as he is clearly not passionate about the business and is only really in it for the paycheck.

PW fans are passionate, and if you're good at it and loyal they will cheer you for years.

MMA fans are more fickle.

I disagree about loyalty. MMA fans always cheer for the same person win or lose, whereas story lines are actually written into PW for characters to switch sides and go face/heel on their fans/crowd.
I disagree about loyalty. MMA fans always cheer for the same person win or lose, whereas story lines are actually written into PW for characters to switch sides and go face/heel on their fans/crowd.

So maybe neither are fickle.

Going from cheering a face to booing a heel is part of being a PW fan.
So maybe neither are fickle.

Going from cheering a face to booing a heel is part of being a PW fan.

That by definition is fickle - so therefore PW fans are fickle.

Doesn't happen nearly as often in MMA.
Not nearly as bad as wrestling.

Oh' yes they are. Tell me what dominant champ the fans never turned on? Both fan bases actually share a lot of the same traits, in terms of who they root for. They get restless and shit on dominance(Jones, Rousey, Conor, Silva, etc), and talk up newcomers or glorified journeymen with a tiny bit of success, like they're the greatest of all time.
That by definition is fickle - so therefore PW fans are fickle.

Doesn't happen nearly as often in MMA.


You're missing the point of being a fan of PW.

Fans aren't supposed to cheer a heel per se - in order for the booking of PW to work and make sense, fans need to follow the PW narrative;

which means, a face that turns heel must be booed - fans are still showing their appreciation for the wrestler and the business in general even when booing a guy.

(They're booing Brock I assume on a personal level with regards to what I said earlier about his lack of commitment)

It sounds like you don't understand PW, which is fine.

But you're wrong, PW fans are passionate about the business and it's dedicated professionals - the opposite of fickle.
Oh' yes they are. Tell me what dominant champ the fans never turned on? Both fan bases actually share a lot of the same traits, in terms of who they root for. They get restless and shit on dominance(Jones, Rousey, Conor, Silva, etc), and talk up newcomers or glorified journeymen with a tiny bit of success, like they're the greatest of all time.

Just because they are the champ doesn't mean people have to love them. I don't know any true mma fan that gets restless of watching greatness. People are critical of fights sure, but to compare it to wrestling is hyperbole. As mentioned previously, that fickle dynamic is built into PW itself.

You're missing the point of being a fan of PW.

Fans aren't supposed to cheer a heel per se - in order for the booking of PW to work and make sense, fans need to follow the PW narrative;

which means, a face that turns heel must be booed - fans are still showing their appreciation for the wrestler and the business in general even when booing a guy.

(They're booing Brock I assume on a personal level with regards to what I said earlier about his lack of commitment)

It sounds like you don't understand PW, which is fine.

But you're wrong, PW fans are passionate about the business and it's dedicated professionals - the opposite of fickle.

You may be right - I haven't watched wrestling since I was 12 so I'm not going to pretend like I am expert, just sharing my opinion.
Roman Reigns is a bum. He severely lacks the 'it factor', and it is akin to the UFC pushing Paige as the next Ronda Rousey but lacked the fighting skills.

What is ironic is that the UFC and WWE are meshing in to a single form, with WWE stars that are good actors but shit fighters, like CM Punk, going to UFC & shit actors but real UFC fighters, like Ronda and Travis Browne, going to WWE. Pretty soon, the two will be one homogenous, singular and indistinguishable form.
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