It's amazing how much softer BJ has become since, say, his first fight against Uno (even accounting for the fact that he's fighting at welterweight.) It's almost as amazing as how much softer Liddell became between his first and second fights against Horn.
after 34 years old you cant turn into a ripped guy,he was same...
Taking a week off is actually good. It lets your muscles heal. Your body can't change that fast.

Exactly unless he was drinking a lot of alcohol and eating junk food 4 times a day (which I'm sure he hasn't).

Lighting also has a lot to do with how a persons body can look. I haven't seen BJ's 2 week old pic but I assume the lighting has helped give him a more defined look in it.

does he even lift?
He definitely looked softer than in those pictures posted a few weeks a go.
I don't think he is in that great a shape and will look even softer at fight time.
He's just too old, too small and too soft for Rory.
At first , I thought otherwise, but now I think Rory will put a serious beating on him and Penn will retire for good this time.
He looked pretty much the same as always.
He's in about as good of shape as 170 will allow him to be. I do wonder if he overtrained though.
I gotta admit I was expecting something closer to the 175 video we saw of him a week or so ago.
i was going to make a thread on this myself...I think the problem bj has in most of his recent fights and at this stage of his career is fight week.

A week or two ago BJ posted a picture of himself on looking like he was in incredible shape, and then you see him today at the weigh-in and he looks soft!

when he is out of the spotlight & training like he should be you see the results, but the week prior when its all mainly media & open workouts I think his body pays the price. He walks around the city site seeing, hangs out with fans, and all the while his body starts to become softer by the day...i expect bj to come out guns a blazing & drastically fade at the end of rd 1.

when you work out or do intense training your body fills its muscles with blood. so because he didn't workout a bunch before the weigh-in, he looks less in shape. that's my free biology lesson of the day, next one costs...
when you work out or do intense training your body fills its muscles with blood. so because he didn't workout a bunch before the weigh-in, he looks less in shape. that's my free biology lesson of the day, next one costs...

I only pay in kind. Just so u know...