Bisping is too soft.... home got robbed, did nothing


Gold Belt
Feb 21, 2004
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Found this clip of Bisping talking about some 18 year old who came around to his house where his daughter was having a little get together. The kid robs Bisping of all his expensive watches and nicks a load of his designer shoes. Bisping tracks the kid down who proceeds to take the piss out of him on the phone. He gets most of his stuff back but he won't involve the police because he doesn't want to screw up this kids life. Now this makes me think Bisping is a genuinely nice guy that he's concerned what's going to happen to this kid if he reports him but basically the kid is getting away with robbing him pretty much scot free. What do you think? Should he have manned up and giving the kid a beating or shopped him to the cops? Doing nothing seems a little bit short sighted here.

What the fuck are you talking about? Call the cops? Beat him down so he goes to jail? You're not very bright I see.
What he supposed to do? Bust his gun....?

But seriously, Bisping probably has done a lot of stupid things growing up and realizes that ppl can change.....he's better than me about it though....
I think it's his shit and if that's the way he wanted to handle it, fine. He got his shit back and didn't want to ruin the kid's life. That's pretty stand up IMO and I can't fucking stand Bisping.
We don't grass/snitch to the state in England.
It's honesty seen as weak here.
He handled it fine. Bisping isn't hurting for money and whatever was taken won't impact him or his family.

He stated in that same podcast (I heard it when it came out) that he was annoyed at the little prick who did it but he isn't an angel by any means and he would rather cut the kid a break than ruin his life.

Sending that dude to jail will likely turn him into a bigger fuck up than he already is. Bisping gave him a CHANCE to get his shit together.
Up to the kid to make something of that, maybe he will maybe not.

As someone who has toed the line of trouble and spinning out of control, then grown up and gotten my shit together I understand Bisping's choice.
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Its real hard to know or judge without being there...
But mike beat up that kid at the 24hour fitness that wouldn’t let him use the 25lbs. He must be tough.
Yoel did it...
Man up and beat someone up who has no chance? What's so manly about that?

He got his stuff back. And the kid was not a threat to him.

Respect to Bisping for not letting anger control his actions. He made that decision.

What he did is called mercy.
If some young punk tried to take my shit I'd shoot his dick off with my AR-15
Could have slapped the kid around if he was in the UK, the police wouldn't have gave a fuck and we don't all sue each other here
Bet the kid was back to stealing within an hour. An 18 year old deserves a fine or a beating for robbing someone. Not by a professional fighter though, that would’ve been bad. They’re not going to stop if there’s not a reason. I know people that steal from the same friends or family members over and over because they know the person is too weak to do something about it or call the cops on them
So calling the cops on a kid is what...hard?

And if you think he should have fucked him up physically you listen to too much rap music.
Seems like he handled it like an adult. I can see why Sherdog would have a problem with that.

you belong no longer to evil, but to good. It is your soul that I am buying for you. I withdraw it from dark thoughts and from the spirit of perdition, and I give it to God!
- Bisping
Bisping made his living as a prize fighter, I don't think he needs to beat up a kid to prove he's tough. Millions of Japanese people died when they got hit with an H-Bomb but Bisping got hit with one and was just fine after taking a short nap.
Bet the kid was back to stealing within an hour. An 18 year old deserves a fine or a beating for robbing someone. Not by a professional fighter though, that would’ve been bad. They’re not going to stop if there’s not a reason. I know people that steal from the same friends or family members over and over because they know the person is too weak to do something about it or call the cops on them

Why the fuck would you want to associate with people like that?