Best three chronological albums by an artist:

  • Tago Mago
  • Ege Bamyasi
  • Future Days

  • Post
  • Homogenic
  • Vespertine

David Bowie:
  • Station To Station
  • Low
  • Heroes
Nick Drake:
  • Five Leaves Left
  • Bryter Layter
  • Pink Moon
Joanna Newsom:
  • Ys
  • Have One On Me
  • Divers
-Pink Floyd: Animals/Wish You Were Here/The Wall.
-Sonic Youth has about 12 albums in a row for which I could pick any consecutive three. Not including the Whitey Album I would go with Sister, Daydream Nation, Goo.
-Radiohead: The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A.
-Jimi Hendrix Experience and Nick Drake by default.
-Fleetwood Mac: White Album, Rumours, Tusk
I will add following:
Genesis: From Trespass to Wind and Wuthering, all great albums.
Gentle Giant.: From Gentle Giant to Interview, all great albums.
King Crimson: Entire discography
Dream Theater: From When day and dream unite to 6DOIT, all great albums.
Faith no more: All Patton's albums
Korn: Korn, Life is peachy and Follow the leader
RATM: Entire discography.


The Cure

The Head on the Door
Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me

If not for The Top and Wild Mood Swings, you could argue their entire run until 2000 was crazy good.

I actually like The Top. Probably more than Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me.

The Sky's Gone Out
Burning From the Inside

Love and Rockets

Seventh Dream of a Teenage Heaven
Earth Sun Moon
Lotta good stuff in here, and a few confused people. It is hard to pick one "best," but I think a lot of these bands deserve mention in the top tier status. I would add Cheap Trick and their first three albums. Listen to them if you haven't. They were yuge at one point.

Also, Aerosmith - Get Your Wings, Toys, Rocks. You might even be able to argue for Mirrors, Vacation, and Pump, but a lot of people would fight you.
Van Halen - Probably their first three is the safest bet.
Megadeth - Peace, So Far, and Rust would work.
I'm sure I will think of more.

Queensryche was a good call.
The Who definitely. No discussion really needed.
Iron Maiden - pick three of their early albums. I love Powerslave, Somewhere in Time, and Seventh Son.
The Doors, definitely.
Soundgarden, yes.
GNR - Lies, Appetite, Illusion(s) definitely belongs there. Lies is a great album. If you don't like it, you don't understand it. I still play the fuck out of that album, and always at full blast, because my neighbors love it so much. They don't have rock n roll where they are from.
There are quite a few more top tier bands, even though putting out three consecutive solid albums is not easy.
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Kanye West
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Late Registration

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Take This to Your Grave
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